Tru's Wave 1 Blog Retrospective

Hello everyone! For those who are unaware I am Tru, creator of Media Mania Blogs. Starting this year I began production on a series of blogs to do matchups I wanted  To see research for and matchups others wanted to see research for. This past year I have produced 10 blogs (And 2 bonus blogs). In this post I intend to cover the first 8 blogs and my general experience as a VS blogger. I hope you enjoy the read but I first want to give credit to a few people.

Asura and Saul: Two of my best friends in the VS community who have helped me quite a lot on my blogs. Specific mention to Saul who helped a fuck ton on CynSmith and more important to this post, InsomniacArkham. Asura has mainly helped with a few calcs and research on Cells At Work! They are also both blog creators with Matchup Madness and Saul’s VS Blogs respectively.

Bang: The inspiration for me doing this retrospective and one of my inspirations in blog creation. His blogs are next level in quality and he's a great dude to talk to overall. 

The Cardinal King: This guy may be the goat. His drive and dedication to what he works on and the level of quality he has with his work on blogs is genuinely an insane feat. You'll likely have seen his work on my blogs with Sukuna Muzan, Korra Delsin and his generational run of InsomniacArkham where he researched a metric ton of Spider-Man comics and alternate Spidey media. You're a legend Cardinal.

The Monster King: Another person who did a ton of work on CynSmith. However, that's not why I have them listed. The reason I got into blogs was actually because of G1^2. I joined their Bill Cipher VS Discord blog, had a good time and decided to try blog creation out and I have him to thank for it.

Yerm: He's really funny.

Now that the general credits for my blogs are done let's get into individual blog discussion starting with…

Crazy Dave VS Royale King

(Plants VS Zombies VS Clash Royale)

What a first blog. This blog began production in September of 2023 and 6 months (RIOT) later my first blog was released. Internally this was a very slow project. Big thanks to Robot, Saul and Oleggator on this one for helping list stuff for both PvZ and Clash respectively. 

Listing every PvZ plant (including the Chinese ones) was genuinely one of the slowest experiences of my life but it made the end result all the more satisfying. The Chinese plants having unique properties that countered some King’s cards was actually a really fun discovery. Dave himself also had a much bigger and cooler arsenal than I thought. He's got a lot of cool gadgets to play around with.

Luckily enough, listing the King's arsenal and cards was a lot easier. It was pretty quick and outside of the occasional update adding Clash cards wasn't very hard. In general working on the Clash side in general never felt like a big task. Watching Clash-A-Rama, promotional materials and adding individual abilities and arsenal for the King was pretty easy. However, Supercell decided to later in the year update the game like crazy. I expected the blog's Clash side to get outdated fast due to the addition of Evolutions once per month but like… DID THEY HAVE TO ADD LIKE 12 GOBLIN CARDS AFTER THE BLOG DROPPED!!! King himself also had very little to discuss in his arsenal and ability section. Admittedly the chess commercial giving him some solid abilities was cool.

On the basis of stats I still generally think the coverage was good. The Clash side has only gotten more backing to their arguments as a Brawl Stars trailer had someone eat the sun and Squad Buster release meaning there is no doubt Clash scales to other Supercell properties. On Dave's I'm still iffy on most of Cosmic PvZ but I've lightened up on Plasma Pea a little bit. Still don't like the use of Gnome statements atm. With the stats we actually used I still agree on the AP stuff but I think no one scales to Beta-Carrotina’s flight speed being real. While most hero's are on par with each other Beta-Carrotina has never reacted to anything mid-flight nor has anyone reacted to her so it's probably only scaling to her flight speed. Despite speed being pretty much even without the Beta Carrotina feat I still think Dave wins via better hax like full screen time stops, battlefield wide transmutation and a way to stop himself from taking any form of damage.

Something I want to point out that nobody really talks about is the experience and skill section for this blog. The experience and skill section using actual strategies used in both games was something Olegg came up with and no one really pointed it out. I thought it was really cool and showed passion for both series but I get why people who aren't big into either franchise wouldn't care.

I also want to shout out the people who wrote up verdicts here. It was great hearing so many different perspectives and seeing Oleggator drop a 10K word verdict that really got deep into the debate.

The reaction to this blog was really heartwarming for it being my first time. I was told I sold some people on the match and that it was an unforgettable blog. Opening this strongly was a really good choice and I'm glad everyone enjoyed the final product. This was a massive passion project of mine and I'm so glad people cared about it.

See, the funny thing is I used to not like this matchup. I'm not even kidding. I used to find the comparison really bland and despite my love of both franchises I couldn't really get into it. However, I still decided to make it a blog because I wanted a more up-to-date look at PvZ and an actual look into Clash stats. It also would easily garner more attention than other MUs for both franchises. If you couldn't guess, now I am a big fan of the MU because it has so much interesting fight potential and could be really cool overall.

It would also make me happy because…

PvZ means a lot to me personally. At age 5 I vividly remember my grandpa letting me play the demo version of Plants VS Zombies on my grandparents computer. It was on some website called Pogo or something along those lines. I remember defending Zombies and getting enthralled with the gameplay. I recall that when a zombie made it to the house, I would run into my grandma's room because I got scared of the funny zombie game. This is only one of the many fond memories I have of PvZ and its wacky spin-offs. This franchise is so silly yet holds so much sentimental value for me.

Clash I hold less emotional attachment towards. Obviously as a kid with too much free time I played Clash of Clans and had a good time with it. However, Clash Royale I actually loved when it first dropped. The simple yet strategic gameplay was addicting and I loved it. I also used to kind of be the goat at Clash Royale. Hit Legendary Arena when that was still the highest arena because I'm different. Then Clash Royale fell off and is nowhere near as good but I still remember the good days of CR and I really like the franchise as a whole. Clash-A-Rama is a really fun promotional series for the franchise on YouTube. Please go watch it.

Alright with the sentimentals out of the way I can give my final thoughts. Overall this blog was a bit stressful to work on and took way longer than it needed to but it was all worth it. The team was great, I got to talk about two franchises I love, I had a blast researching it and the reception to the blog made it such a satisfying project.

Osmosis Jones VS White Blood Cell U-1146

(… VS Cells At Work!)

I don't even know how to talk about this one. I chose to do this matchup because it was really funny and a friend of mine, Ultra27 suggested it. I'll just say now this matchup is a lot better than either series involved in it. Unlike DaveKing, neither of these series are all that great in my eyes. The best I can say is Osmosis Jones is a very well animated movie and Cells At Work! has a few really good chapters between it and its spin-offs.

Researching Osmosis Jones was not hard. I did it pretty much all myself and I feel like the calcs I did for it were decent enough. Like I'm pretty sure the in-tandem brain lightning dodge calc is correct and I think most of the general other calcs are fine enough. This was my first time calcing though and that will be very apparent when I talk about CaW. Osmosis Jones just isn't very interesting to talk about. The movie is pretty meh, the show is fine and the game looks bad. Ozzy does have a pretty cool arsenal and abilities list if I'm being real. His physiology and gun are all pretty lit if you ask me.

Cells at Work was fine to research. I read the main series and like 2 spin-offs (Cells NOT At Work! is so bad ngl). People such as Asura, Saul, Ultra27 and NRookie researched the rest of the franchise. Fun fact, I had to pull Asura and Saul on the blog just so we could get it done. While the research itself was pretty good the calcs were not. The speed calcs are probably fine enough but those explosion calcs were ROUGH. If anyone wants to recalc the diarrhea gate and the poop train explosion high ends (only Cells At Work context makes this sentence work) then go right ahead. Something else I have to say is I do feel like we were really lenient on giving U-1146 items from other WBCs. Like we gave him a chainsaw from a WBC who himself only used it once. U-1146 has some unique arsenal and abilities like Ozzy but he does feel a lot less interesting overall. Not the most pleased with U-1146’s side of the blog but also it was the second blog I ever did and my first blog calcing so I can't be that hard on myself.

Something I want to talk about with this blog is the formatting. Boy is it different nowadays. We didn't have a scaling section because I didn't like them for some reason so we had to have the spin-off scaling relegated to a BtV section. The experience and skill section was closer to the bottom which persisted up until Rocky Balboa VS Daniel LaRusso. It was just kind of weird and I'm glad we made some formatting changes.

If there's one positive I feel strongly about is that this blog stuck to the MUs theme and made sure all calcs were done to scale. Since both combatants are literally MICRONS in size it's really funny to see these two characters attempt to scale above 1 joule at the highest ends.

Despite all my issues with the blog no one really noticed or cared about the issues. People still really liked the blog which is abundantly clear by the fact it has the most views out of any of my blogs. The reaction was just really positive and they liked the unique blog with a unique take on the match. I mean I don't fully agree but I'll take it.

I think I still agree with the verdict. Ozzy’s aim being a problem progressively becomes less and less of an issue as the franchise goes on and as long as he's faster (which I think should still be true because I think I did the speed calcs right) he should just blitz until he hits the one shot he needs. This is also being generous to U-1146 and giving him the highest ends in AP where otherwise he and Ozzy should be pretty relative. Ozzy also countering U-1146’s fighting style and arsenal with his physiology is a huge point in his favor.

For final thoughts, the blog is fine. If I felt more confident in the calcs presented and the formatting was better I would like it a lot more. The uniqueness of the blogs calcs is cool but when I don't feel proud of the most important calcs for the blog the intrigue only goes so far. Still fine enough for a second blog but I wish it was a little better is all.

Boros VS Battle Beast

(One Punch Man VS Invincible)

Another blog I have mixed feelings on. I did this matchup after asking my blog's mods what matchups they wanted to see. Asura suggested this one, I like Invincible and I just kinda rolled with it. Both of these characters are pretty cool but discussing stats for these two is a headache to say the least.

Boros was a character I vaguely knew but was not someone who I knew the stats of. I didn't do a lot of the Boros research for this blog (Round 1 did most of it) but I did read the chapters for his fight. It's a great fight and Boros is a very fun character despite his limited screen time. I don't have a lot to say about Boros and the OPM research side simply because there isn't much to talk about. We didn't find any crazy new feats and the only thing we really had to discuss at length was star level CSRC and Tatsumaki scaling. 

Battle Beast I have a lot more to say on. Battle Beast is a character I really like so getting to research his stuff and Invincible stats was a great time. Or, would have been a good time if I agreed with stats. I still think you can argue Omnipotus but it's very much up to your opinion. The E=MC^2 Planet Eater stuff is bad and requires way too much generosity to be valid. I'm so glad we didn't use Sun Disc on top of these feats or else this blog would have a trinity of debatable Invincible shit that nobody buys. The speed stuff being a low ball post OmniDock is a pleasant surprise. Regardless, Battle Beast is dope and I had a fun time researching him at the time but with today's clarity the research wasn't the most accurate. Neither character also has much in terms of arsenal and abilities so while learning about Battle Beast's infinite stamina and skill was neat nothing else really caught my eye with these sections.

I think a notable issue with this blog is how cluttered the stats sections get. Without scaling sections the stats sections get piled with feats and it's not clean to read at all. Glad we switched to scaling sections for Sukuna Muzan.

Even with the massive changes to Invincible stats I still think Battle Beast just outstats and kills Boros. Whether it be by overtaxing his healing factor in an instant or depleting Boros’ stamina I think Battle Beast just kinda wins. If Boros was stronger I could see an argument for his win by living long enough to pull off the CSRC which would be pretty hard for Battle Beast to avoid but he is not.

The reaction to this blog was surprisingly tame but the first time people began to point out issues with my blogs. I do agree with most of these issues (Omnipotus is still up for interpretation IMO but Planet Eater SUCKS). I think the reaction was so tame because despite the questionable Invincible stats most people agree Battle Beast wins so no one made a big fuss.

I honestly had a lot less to say on this than I thought. I love the matchup and think it's really cool with good connections and slight contrasts but the blog itself was nothing special and reception being kinda just whatever reflects it perfectly.

Knight VS Samurai

(Europe VS Japan)

Still the weirdest blog I've done to date. Knight VS Samurai is such a cool match and I really liked working on it. By working on this blog I came to appreciate European and Japanese weaponry. A weird yet interesting rabbit hole if I say so myself. Obviously shout out to Boomer for doing 75% of this blog if I'm being real.

I'm not doing an individual character research experience section here because I have the same thoughts towards both warriors here. I found researching them fascinating. They both have pretty similar arsenals but a lot of unique details within the swords, bows, armor and misc. weapons. The codes of honor these warriors lived by and even the types of horses they used were all really interesting to me. Admittedly we (mainly I) probably could have gone through more books to find some other pieces of arsenal they may have had. However, I think we give just enough coverage on what they commonly have that it all works out just fine. It was just a really unique and interesting research process that I enjoyed thoroughly.

Speaking on the debate it really just came down to Knights having better steel. Knights and Samurai have a lot of similarities and while Samurai were better archers and horsemen, Knights had better counters and the steel to tank their attacks. So I think it's a pretty easy win for the Knight still.

Reception here was pretty good for those who read it. Yeah this blog didn't perform very well view wise which makes sense since it's a niche type of match up. However, the compliments from those who did read the blog were very touching and I'm glad they learned something new.

Final thoughts are pretty simple. I'm very happy with this blog. It was incredibly fun to research and even though reactions were minimal they were very pleasant to see. Had a good time all around with this one.

Sukuna VS Muzan

(Jujutsu Kaisen VS Demon Slayer)

Another one of the blogs I had the most fun of. The origin of this match is just that I like both series. Demon Slayer was my first anime and I really liked it while JJK became a very recent obsession of mine when we started. I was at first hesitant to do the blog because there were a ton of Demon Slayer and JJK blogs (even another JJK VS Demons Slayer blog that existed) but I pressed on, realizing Sukuna's other blog options kinda sucked. Plus the two were the top tiers of the verse and would have big stats to talk about no matter how many JJK and DS blogs were done previously.

Sukuna is great and researching him was very fun. Sukuna is one of my favorite JJK characters and I find his powerset very interesting. Cardinal and Cyber did a phenomenal job explaining the complex mechanics of JJK in the blog and I can't thank them enough for it. A big point we got to discuss was Yorozu's perfect sphere and why we bought it. It was nice being the first one to discuss it in blog form and it gave a sense of purpose to doing the blog. Sukuna was just a good time to research all around.

Muzan was definitely less so. Muzan is just an infinitely worse character than Sukuna. Yet I found researching his powerset still very fun since while as a character he kinda blows, his powers are super cool. Muzan has a lot of grotesque abilities and some very good regeneration. No new big stat coverage here but we discussed the idea of narrative substantiation with cloud to ground lightning which is an interesting discussion no matter if you buy it or not. We also fraud checked Muchiro and that's really funny.

Obviously I still agree with the results of the blog. I think Sukuna has way better stats and has what he needs to one shot Muzan past his regen. Mainly Fuga and Domain Expansion.

Easily the best part of this blog was what happened after it was done. While the reactions were generally positive, something started brewing. People began to like Sukuna VS Muzan as a match up. What used to be people's tier list filler option now became a ton of people preferred for Sukuna (mostly due to the push from Cyber). We had actually tricked people into thinking Muzan was a good character and that's easily the funniest part. I'm glad people are coming around to this idea. I really like this MU now and think there are plenty of great interactions you can have. It's just a very cool MU between the kings of both worlds.

Not much to say in the final thoughts for this one. Just a great time with a great team for a great matchup. Glad people have come around to it.

Korra VS Delsin 

(Avatar VS inFAMOUS)

Surprisingly, I actually don't have much to say about this blog. I really like both series. Sucker Punch is my favorite game developer and while LoK isn't anywhere as good as ATLA, it’s still a great show. So upon realizing no one has done this as a blog I jumped at the opportunity. And what an opportunity it was to work with the dope team for this blog.

Korra research was mostly already done. Korra already had a blog and while many new Avatar feats had come out since it wasn't very hard to get them covered. The big stuff here was the Reckoning of Roku’s statements and Rela/FTL Avatar. Honestly not sure how I feel about Rela Avatar at the moment but the Reckoning of Roku stuff isn't very usable in my opinion. Getting to talk about the varied amounts of stuff Korra could do with her bending was the highlight of Korra research. Korra is a fun character once she stops being a dick so getting to cover her was awesome.

Delsin is a character I love a lot. Second Son is a great game and while we didn't really have anything new to look at stat wise many of Delsin’s abilities needed interpretation. Like for a moment in the blog we thought lightspeed Delsin was bunk but we found out it's alright due to some backing statements. However, covering obliteration was the main topic and was much more complicated.

On that note I would like to say I still agree with the outcome. I think for obliteration to work Delsin would need to be stronger which he just isn't. Even if obliteration was straight transmutation Korra has arguments to resist it and block it with her elements. I originally sided with Delsin but during the blog it became clear that Korra should take the dub in a somewhat close battle thanks to Delsin’s speed, regeneration and hax.

I had another great time with this blog. Was really enjoyable and special shoutouts to Ninja and Cabbage, who made some dope af art for the blog.

Rocky Balboa VS Daniel LaRusso

(Rocky VS The Karate Kid)

This was one of the more interesting blogs in the wave. Two series I enjoy quite a bit with a good amount to talk about. I chose this matchup mainly as a way to add diversity to the wave. There were a lot of games and anime so doing some live action movies sounded like a really fun change of pace.

Researching Rocky wasn't really my job. Most of the blog team was there for Rocky and I say he got pretty good coverage. We got to talk about his techniques and his unique skills as A boxer which I found really enjoyable. Rocky is just a fun character to write about with his unique styles of boxing and his pretty good movies all things considered. Mostly agree with the stats put in place as well but the speed though KE punch thing always seemed pretty silly. Just a good time all around and special thanks to Round 1 and Z1 for putting in so much work.

Daniel is easily up there in my favorite characters to research. The Karate Kid trilogy is really solid and Daniel had some surprisingly good feats under his belt I enjoyed researching. Discussing Daniel's use of the Miyagi-Do way and COBRA KAI!!! (GET OUT!!!) along with the various techniques used in those styles was neat. Addressing Daniel killing Rocky with weapons or a car was a very funny argument as well. Though the funniest thing with Daniel’s side was the Mr. Miyagi calendar Saul found. If you know you know.

This is also the blog where we began moving the experience section to the top of the blog. It's a small change but not only was it important for this match but it also just fits better. Don't know what I was thinking when I put the section down towards the bottom being real.

What's interesting about this blog is that it's the one blog I disagree with. I think it's very close still but Daniel being a good bit faster and pressure points negates his martial arts style and AP weaknesses. I also think he has plenty of techniques as a fighter that can allow him to keep up with Rocky regardless of boxing being better than karate. This sentiment was reflected in…

This blog easily had the most amount of people disagree with it (not including next waves Chaos Kyogre). As I stated I do agree with them as well. I think it's closer than Daniel supporters would have you believe but I still lean Daniel. Another point people constantly brought up was actually about blog member Z1. I'm not gonna talk too much on this but while most people like Z1 they tend to not like their calcs. However, judging a blog based on one person's inclusion is really disheartening for me when we made sure to check over all the work when it came to calcs. Kinda cringe VS community.

To conclude, I enjoyed this blog. It was a unique change of pace with a solid team and while I disagree with the blog now, I think the verdict is still fine and I'm happy we got to create a blog on this awesome match.

Arkham Batman VS Insomniac Spider-Man 

Here we are, the waves finale. This was a big passion project of mine because Saul loved Arkham Batman and I love Insomniac Spider-Man. Both games are super fun and we thought it would be a great blog to do.

Since I didn't really do the Arkham Batman research I'm actually not going to write this section. Instead of having the person who did pretty much all of it, Saul write this section for me. “Hi guys, Saul here, I was the main Arkham researcher for the blog. I was basically the guy pushing for Tru to do this for a very long time because I love the Arkham Games. I must have beat City over 10 times, and beat Origins in one day when I was like 7 years old. 

It wasn’t really as much as a revisit as you would think it is, as I’ve played the four games many times before. Reading the comics and experiencing every single shitty mobile game was fun though, even if the wider universe isn’t that interesting.

Sometimes, we’d find a game, and I’d quickly have to watch it. Seriously.

I put so much passion into the blog and tbh? It’s gone really unnoticed. I worked hard on the Fear Toxin and Batmobile segments, but that’s life, I guess.”

Spider-Man was my domain. Doing the abilities and arsenal for this was really fun outside of the copious amount of upgrades Spider-Man has that are just stat boosts. It was nice to look back at these games I love so much. The movement is incredible and Peter has a lot of life due to Yuri's performance. Learning that this version of Peter is also pretty decent in terms of stats without the crossover scaling was also a very fun discovery. City Level and Relativistic is pretty solid stat wise and once again shout out to Cardinal for his deep dive into Spider-Man comics.

I still agree with the winner very heavily. Batman without Superman scaling can't hurt Spider-Man and Spider-Man has the Equalizer to get past durability. 

Oh boy, the reception for this blog was interesting. On one hand a few people really enjoyed the deep Spider-Man dive Cardinal did and enjoyed hearing Arkham Batman get covered. On the other hand, people hated the blog's use of Superman scaling. People immediately went to speak their issues on its use as scaling Batman to Superman is very flawed in their eyes. 

This is a take I do agree with. What I don't agree with is that it shouldn't have been brought up. A big issue I have around the public's take on the Superman section was that they practically assumed we fully bought the scaling. However, we had a whole section against the scaling of Batman to Superman. All we did was cover a popular argument and the complexity of it and we got hate. We then included it in the verdict because we believe Spider-Man still had options to win even if Superman scaling was to be believed. The use of Superman scaling actually spawned a discussion on if Batman can scale to Superman in any universe. My answer is yes, different universes have different standards and contexts. So if there's a universe where Batman and Superman are equal then that's how it is.

Spider-Man's side of the blog wasn't without its own form of scrutiny either. People were not fans of our use of the Equalizer suit power. Mainly because we perceived it as a no-limits fallacy for Spider-Man to 1 shot Batman. While I agree we could have presented it better the idea around our Equalizer interpretation was that while it would be a no-limits fallacy for it to one shot Batman, it's a smaller leap in logic than Batman scaling to Superman. And without Superman scaling and the Equalizer Spider-Man would still outstat.

People were also not fond of giving Spider-Man scaling to other Spider-People. This is because the crossovers and scaling take away from it being an Insomniac Spider-Man blog. This is a sentiment I don't really agree with. Under this point of view you end up sounding like the typical VS stereotype of someone who just boils down characters to stats. Literally everything else in this blog was specific to the Insomniac version of Spider-Man, we only used the crossovers due to them being plentiful and having evidence for being canon. There is no actual reason to not include the crossovers. People rebutted with “Well it's stupid and takes away from the point of the match. It's your blog you don't have to include something if you don't want to”. And you're right, it is my blog. That's why the crossovers were included. When I make my blogs I like to dive in and cover as much stuff as possible. I like covering all the angles and analyzing all the arguments. A no stone left unturned approach to blog creation. So if there are canon crossovers that consistently scale Insomniac to 616 Spider-Man, yeah I'm going to use the scaling for it. If you believe it takes away from the match that's your prerogative. However, in my opinion Insomniac Peter scaling to other Spider-Men has no bearing on the match since he has plenty of abilities and experience unique to him.

I think my main final thought on this blog is we need to be willing to have conversations. This blog taught me that people would ignore something because it doesn't fit some preconceived notion about a character's scaling or because they would rather boil a character down to their stats rather than their unique abilities and arsenal. This blog kind of showed that people don't care about arsenal and abilities and would rather skip right to the stats and ignore the work that goes into those sections. I genuinely think the abilities and arsenal section for this blog was really fun and interesting to put together and showed off the uniqueness this MU can have but unfortunately the public just ignored that for stat discussion. I don't think it's VS brain rot to simply discuss arguments that are commonly brought up in the community. If me and my teams are going to do a deep dive and look into all aspects of a character then that's what we are going to do.

My Experience With Making Blogs

Blog making is fun under the right circumstances. Sometimes you get into it with a group of friends and have a blast researching some franchises you like or want to get into. Other times it's a slog where you become completely burnt out as the project rots away with little to show for it (Soldier 76 VS Captain Rex). However, I stick around for those magical moments. I love shining light on characters I like and giving people an opportunity to talk about characters they like. I like researching covering everything a character has to offer in an attempt to find out who would win. Blogs are a very versatile art form in the VS community and I hope people can start getting more creative with them now that there are so many blogs.

On the topic of the large number of blogs, I'm all for it. Sure sometimes we all want to do the same characters and step on each other's toes but we get so much character coverage and unique takes that it makes for a very interesting culture. So many compendiums on where characters scale are being made that it just puts a smile on my face to see so much media and online history getting covered. I can't exactly put my finger on it but it's just really neat to see unfold.

But those lows are still low. Sometimes your blogs don't do very well and you feel like your research was for naught. Other times you receive a ton of backlash and you just have to take it on the chin and keep moving. Even the worst criticism and stat scaling you disagree with is a new perspective you can look through for your next blog. Unfortunately, sometimes you can feel inadequate in the blog making scene. Like your blogs aren't up to par with everyone around you and it keeps you down.

But despite these lows I find blogs to be incredibly enjoyable. The happiness I feel when a blog does well and people enjoy the read outweigh the crippling feelings I feel during the lows. And so I keep going to this day in hopes of making VS Blogs people truly care about

Final Words

Thank you to everyone who has joined a blog of mine. Your contributions are almost always appreciated and yall help keep me motivated to create new projects. Thank you to my close friends in the blog making scene for helping me out when I needed a hand and for giving me so many great memories. Finally, thank you. Not only for reading this retrospective and giving me the time to speak about my experience but for reading the blogs. Thank you for fueling my creativity and giving me an outlet to express my opinions. VS is a hobby of mine I enjoy thoroughly and yall make it so much better. Sorry this was just kind of a ramble. I just needed to talk about my blogs and how I felt about them. With that, I think I'll close things out. Thanks once more for reading and I'll see you for Megatron VS Skeletor!


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