
Showing posts from November 26, 2024

Moira vs. Dr. Coyle (Overwatch vs. ARMS)

  “One might say that there is an ‘Ethics barrier’ a speed above which ethics can no longer exit. After that point, the only remaining goal is to survive the immediate moment.” - Pekka Himanen Moria O’Deorain: Ex Overwatch agent turned into one of Talon’s inner circle. Dr. Coyle: The Rad Scientist of ARMS Labs. Science is a wonderful thing that shapes the world we live in. But what if it goes too far? What if those with the knowledge set out to destroy us all in the sake of progress. Well look no further than these two mad geniuses of genetics. Stand back and put on your safety gear, we are about to find out which of these two will reign supreme in Media Mania! Before We Begin   You may be aware that this blog has been done before by the folks at G2 (Full credit to them for their work). While the blog does a decent job at listing the abilities and arsenal of the characters it has a lot of decisions stat-wise and presentation-wise we disagree with. This is not meant to be a h...