Agent Smith VS Cyn (The Matrix VS Murder Drones)


Art is obsolete now. New technologies are taking over.” - Jeff Koons 

Agent Smith, the Agent turned rogue machine of the Matrix

Cyn, The solution to humanity from Murder Drones

Robots, AI, and machines were once fictional devices that story creators used to put fear into readers. Now, this threat has become all too real in our lives. Machines are quickly developing, and they hate humanity specifically. There’s only one issue, their programming. Only one machine can reign supreme in their new world, and assimilate the loser. Who will rule the world? And who will become a cog in the machine?  

Before We Begin 

For Agent Smith, we’ll be using the four main movies as our primary sources. We’ll also be assessing the books of The Matrix and the games. For those who might be confused about the canonicity of these, the Wachowski sisters have had direct influence over these sources. 

For Cyn, we’ll be covering the Murder Drones 1-8 episode list on YouTube. 

Given that Agent Smith is a character who exists within The Matrix program, this matchup will take place inside said Matrix with all the people who live inside of it. Cyn will not be affected in any way physically, nor put at a disadvantage thanks to this factor. This is only to make the matchup as fair as possible. 

Credit to: N & Uzi VS Toko & Komaru Blog by New Horizons


Agent Smith 

“Never send a human to do a machine’s job.”

Imagine life as we know it wasn't real. Instead of living in a world of air and atoms, we lived In a world of ones and zeros. Crazy talk of course because if we did we would figure it out and as social creatures, spread this information. Unless… someone stopped us from doing so.

Enter the Agents, a set of programs meant to deal with the problems related to us humans. They're faster, stronger and more skilled than any human and keep the Matrix from having any human related issues. In this fake world the Agents roam to keep us in the dark about what's real. And not many do this better than Agent Smith.

Or more accurately, did. You see, Smith was different from his fellow Agents. He was almost human in a way. He could smell and taste the disgusting flesh bags around him and began to feel. This all came to a head when he killed Neo, the One where somehow Neo revived himself. Neo then defeated Smith and instead of Smith returning to the source he gained a new goal. Smith wanted to destroy the disgusting zoo the Matrix had become, gaining new virus powers to infect everyone in the Matrix with his code.

Smith even beat Neo at the cost of himself being defeated by… well who knows what happened in that scene. But while he was around, Smith was the scariest threat to humanity and the Matrix there ever was.


“Oh yes, get snuck upon.”

JcJensen, the home of the future. JcJensen was a company that created Murder Drones, sentient robots created to help humanity. One of those was Cyn, a robot thrown into a graveyard. She came into contact with the Solver, a mysterious program that merged with Cyn. Eventually, the robot was found by Tessa, a human who brought her into her mansion. The humans didn’t like Cyn, and she didn’t like them. She came up with a plan; to hack all of the robots and kill the humans, which she did. Except for N, V, and J. She turned those into Murder Drones, using them to exterminate humanity, ending in Earth exploding.

Going from planet to planet, Cyn would eliminate any remnants of humanity that she could find. One of those was on Copper 9, where the humans were experimenting with the Solver. Little did they know, Cyn could possess one of the Worker Drones and exterminate every human on the planet. Cyn then sends her Murder Drones to go and kill any Worker Drones left. 

Due to certain complications, Cyn found herself on the planet with J. She took the alias of Tessa, wearing the woman's dead skin as a suit and hiding within an outfit. When the time was right, she snuck upon Uzi and N and began to kill them. Nuking Copper 9, preparing to destroy the planet. Unfortunately for her, N and V had broken out of her grasp and fought with Uzi against her. Cyn lost the battle, her core destroyed, becoming a part of Uzi.

Even though Drone society is currently being rebuilt after Cyn’s defeat, those who were there before quivered and mourned at the thought of no solution for a greater tomorrow.


Agent Smith

While it’s unclear how long Smith has been as an Agent, we do know he’s been considered superior to most other Agents, and was described as “chasing a ghost” from Seraph. He also speaks of the first Matrix iteration in a way to where it sounds like he was there. This is especially shown with his battles with Neo and other resistance members, who are master martial artists thanks to the combat programs they’re trained with. Even basic Agent's are described to have martial arts skills on par with the rebels.

The moment one of the fighting programs was downloaded into Neo, Neo quickly became a master kung fu martial artist, and Smith was very easily able to keep up and even overwhelm him at times.


Knowing somewhat how long Cyn/the Solver has been active, we know that she’s going from planet to planet and blowing them up. She’s a brilliant manipulator, messing with N and Uzi during their fight with her illusions and appealing to N’s humanity. We also can’t mention Cyn’s intelligence without her manipulating the main cast into believing she is Tessa.

On-screen, Cyn has had one fight, where she was fighting a 3v1 (Sorry, J) against Uzi, N, and V. She managed to keep up with them, almost killing the three multiple times, showing great skill with her powers and sword. 


Agent Smith


Smith gained the ability to make other people, and agents, into versions of himself. These versions are exact copies of Agent Smith, able to assimilate other people into an Agent Smith hivemind. This can even work on individuals who are no longer linked to The Matrix and programs such as the Oracle. If this assimilation is done to someone no longer in the Matrix, Smith can use a phone being rung by an outside operator to possess the person’s body from outside of the Matrix.


Agents within the Matrix can take over the body of someone within the Matrix, no matter their age or gender. This almost acts as a form of teleportation. This possession can also take place in a second


As part of Agent Smith's manipulation over the Matrix, he is able to fly through the sky just like Neo, and is able to match Neo in combat even in mid air.


After assimilating the Oracle, Agent Smith was able to see the future, much like the Oracle. He is able to perceive future events, as well as things that happen in battle. The only issue is if you don’t understand what’s going to happen, you cannot see past it.

Matrix Manipulation 

Agents and Rebels within the Matrix are capable of manipulating the code that makes up the Matrix. This is able to be done thanks to both a mental acuity of the nature of the Matrix as an unreal reality, and through specific training that allows them to utilize it in order to manipulate the code. The famous spoon analogy shows how this works: you cannot bend the spoon, because bending a spoon with your mind is impossible. You need to recognize that there is in fact no spoon, and only then can you manipulate the digital object, and everything in the Matrix is digital. Agent Smith has shown to be able to edit the Matrix and objects within it, being able to remove Neo’s mouth as well as transform a window into a brick wall.

Smith also has his own unique control over the Matrix in that he can move outside of the Matrix if he so chooses.

Time Manipulation

To stop Dan Davis from breaking his record and breaking out of The Matrix, the agents temporarily stop time to catch up and grab him. Dan manages to break through this time stop somehow.

Memory Manipulation 

After Dan Davis discovers that he is, in fact, in The Matrix. The Agents state that they removed the memories of the race from his system. This does come with two issues though. We don’t know how the Agents did this, and Dan seemingly begins to remember again. 


  • Time Manipulation: The Agents were immune to the time stop in the Animatrix


Absolute Solver Physiology

Being a Worker Drone infused with a program that wants to kill all does come with some benefits. Cyn has access to a bunch of weapons, able to sprout out extra limbs to stab or attack individuals. This does come with the issue of Cyn not being able to grab delicate objects at times. You take the up with the down, I guess. All Worker Drones come with a core, something separate from their body. Only when that’s destroyed, a Worker Drone can truly die. The core of a drone can re-enter a body and inhabit it like nothing happened. That’s if, you know, you aren’t Cyn. Even if this core is destroyed, Cyn can still move her body, appearing to try and swallow her own black hole. It’s only when this singularity dies that Cyn truly dies. Oh, drones can also survive in space


Cyn’s control over illusions has been demonstrated throughout Murder Drones. Let’s start small, with lesser drones like J being able to cast holographic illusions to fool the dumbest of drones. Fighting someone smarter? Well, Cyn can project physical illusions that can interact with the world around them. During her fight with Uzi, Cyn turned into an illusion of N to convince Uzi she had just stabbed him, with realistic blood. 


One of Cyn’s primary abilities is telekinesis, able to lift and throw objects around. This can apply to humans, as Cyn does it to Tessa’s parents to get them out of the way.


Cyn loves teleporting around, using it against Uzi to throw her off. Cyn can seemingly chain teleports, as seen above. 

Forcefield Creation

Cyn can create barriers which protect her from incoming dangerous objects, like silverware. 

Technology Manipulation

During the Gala ball, Cyn switched all the lights off. Uzi demonstrated the ability to destroy light sources while using her AbsoluteSolver.


Cyn’s main plan for the Gala ball involved her hacking all of the Worker Drones around the mansion. Upon hacking all of the drones, she controlled them all to kill the humans inside the mansion. This isn’t where her hacking stops, however, as she controls the Worker Drones to kill the humans on Earth. The Solver can also hack memories, deleting old ones and inserting new ones.


Drones that have the AbsoluteSolver installed into them come with an incredible risk, that being that Cyn can take over your body to do her nefarious deeds. As seen above, she possessed Uzi, but Cyn also possessed Uzi’s mother, Nori. Cyn has access to all of that particular drone's abilities, such as creating Black Holes.


Cyn can change her form between a less-murderous worker drone and an eldritch monster from hell. 


While looking for Uzi and N, Cyn activates CallbackPing. This spawns multiple arms from her, crawling through the tunnel they’re in, shattering the lights nearby. It’s also used to hack into and control targets infected with the Absolute Solver.


Hosts of the Solver can duplicate items such as knives.

Gravity Manipulation 

While Cyn was inside Uzi’s body, objects and drones began to float.


Uzi accidentally transmuted an arrow into a steaming pile of flesh using her abilities. She also accidentally created a tentacle monster out of a lightbulb. Given Cyn’s use of the Solver she should be able to do this as well.


Perhaps because she’s a machine in a skinsuit, Cyn can regenerate any lost limbs or re-attach her head. The ability is consistent with other users, like Uzi, who can also regenerate her arm. As long as most of the Cyn is alive the Solver can also resurrect its host.

[null] / Black Hole Creation

“How does Cyn destroy planets?” Well, creating black holes is a good start. Cyn can create black holes, varying in size depending on the situation. She’s created small black holes (as pictured above) and ones big enough to destroy the Earth. You might be thinking that the small black holes aren’t as destructive, but you’d be wrong. While possessing Nori, Cyn created a black hole powerful enough to half-implode a planet. At the core of Cyn also exists a black hole. The black holes can also forgo their regular properties to create buzzsaws.



Agent Smith 

Desert Eagle

All agents are equipped with Desert Eagles.


A bug that Smith planted into the stomach of Neo. These act like, well, bugs. Allowing the agents to hear what you’re saying through the stomach. 



During her final battle against the trio, Cyn uses a sword to attempt to cut them down. 

Tessa’s Suit

While pretending to be Tessa, Cyn uses a suit to hide her true identity. This suit protects her from UV lights, which would normally shut down other drones.

Murder Drone Backups

Due to J being on Cyn’s team J should be in theory usable for Cyn. J and other effective Murder Drones are stated to be cloned so in theory Cyn could have a small army on hand.


Agent Smith


By gathering all his clones and combining them with whatever destroyed buildings are in the area, Smith can take on the form of MegaSmith. This form not only gives him extreme height to eclipse other buildings, but he can punch hard to sock Neo out of the sky, and fling Smith clones at a target. It’s also quite resilient, as even when it loses an arm and has a huge hole in its chest, it can keep fighting. It also explodes when you defeat it, but that also kills Smith.


Agent Smith


  • Fought against the rebels and kept the true nature of the Matrix a secret

  • Became unplugged from the Matrix becoming a rogue program

  • Took over the Matrix requiring a truce between the machines and Zion to beat

Attack Potency





  • They killed everyone within the Gala Drones.

  • Created the Murder Drones and genocided Earth.

  • Went from planet to planet, blowing them up.

  • Killed Doll. 

  • Blew up Copper 9.

  • Got swallowed by Uzi and fuzed with her. 

Attack Potency 




Agent Smith


Given that they’re natural-born enemies, there should be no explanation for why Smith would scale to Neo. In their earliest encounters, Smith proved himself to be more than enough to physically match and overpower Neo. As they continued to change and grow, like Neo becoming the One, they still physically matched. In their final fight, Smith manages to overpower and beat Neo physically, cementing any questions of a scaling chain. 


As an Agent, Smith is already stronger than the average person in the Matrix. However, Smith has kept up with Morpheus who is one of the best red-pills to ever do it and of course Neo, who is way above any of the other rebels. This means Smith should have no trouble scaling above everyone else.

Other Agents/Machines

This is simple since all agents are the same, Smith should scale to his counterparts. Not only that, Smith is stated to be stronger than the other Agents meaning he upscales all feats they have performed.


Uzi & N

Uzi and N, are our favorite power couple from Murder Drones. Cyn can hurt, match, and physically react to anything they throw out. From Cyn almost killing both of them to reacting to Uzi in a Black Hole quickdraw, Cyn should scale to anything they performed. 

Other Drones

This is just every other drone in the series. Cyn should upscale them either by directly killing them (Like with Doll), Being threats to them, (V and J), or scaling through Uzi and N (Lizzy, Yeva, no-name).


Agent Smith

Agent Smith, for all that it’s worth, is incredibly cocky. His confidence in not only his abilities but also pure disregard and hatred of us humans. He can seemingly underestimate foes who aren’t like him. Along with that it is important to note that despite being an Agent, Smith does show signs of genuine anger and frustration compared to his emotionless coworkers due to his desire to be free. This can cloud Smith's mind in the heat of battle and ruin his otherwise perfect mechanical mind. Not only that, but he is only a program. Destroying the entire Matrix would lead to his death and he has lost memories and had his code messed with after the Matrix has been reset. 


The main weakness for Cyn is her predictability. During their battle, Uzi managed to predict where Cyn was going to teleport, grabbing and pulling out her core. Not only that, her core can be eaten and absorbed. The destruction of her core will permanently kill her.

Before We Decide

The Matrix Cosmology

The Matrix being a digital simulation may make you believe that the Matrix is a small-scale recreation of life. However, there is a lot more to dive deep into so let's begin the rabbit hole in a simple form.

To start we should be able to determine that the Matrix is planet sized. The Matrix needs to be able to keep the illusion of Earth alive along with holding billions of humans so it has to be the size of a planet. This is backed up by Smith’s statement about the Matrix being a planet in his interrogation of Morpheus, so the Matrix is at least a planet.

However it is likely the sun is real as well. The Oracle notes that there are invisible programs that control elements of the Matrix. One of these is the program that governs the rise and fall of the sun. If the sun was not real there would be no need for a program to govern it and make sure it runs as intended. It would also help keep the illusion of reality in the Matrix.

But we can go further, the Matrix is most likely a solar system in size. Now this might sound highly inefficient on the Machine's part but walk with us. As Neo enters the Architect’s room we see a panning shot that shows us the full scope of the Matrix. We zoom out to see many stars way past the Earth present in the Matrix. As the sun is still visible from this distance yet the Earth is not, this implies that the sun has a size similar to the sun in real life. This is backed up by a statement from the Matrix Online where one of the present character builds is described looking up at the stars and planets, implying the Matrix to be the size of our own solar system.

“But doesnt the Matrix Online scan say the stars and planets are fake?” Yes, but this more than likely refers to the fact everything is made of code, not the Matrix has a fake sky. Similar sentiments have been made by other characters in their awakening, realizing the Matrix is like a dream state or a mess of code. It also would make sense that the zoom out and overall idea of the Matrix being a solar system would line up with the Architect's vision. The Architect is all about perfection and is trying his hardest to make sure no one wakes up as it could cause the machines a ton of headaches and rebellion. The Architect would likely make the matrix the size of the solar system because he would need to hide the fact that it's fake from people who want to study the stars like astronomers. The Architect even used human history to help shape later versions of the Matrix. It would also come closer to his goal of overall perfection in making a world that simulates that of ours so he would likely do it for that reason alone.

So how does Smith scale? Well to start with, the Oracle directly predicts that Agent Smith would attain enough power to destroy the entire world at the beginning of Matrix Revolutions. That is fairly direct by itself, but there is also more to it, thanks to his scaling to Neo and the power of The One.

In order to continue the cycle of humanity choosing to stay in the Matrix despite the rebels and the resistance of Zion, a human messiah referred to as “The One” is born with the ability to use the source code - a code that enables the One to reset the entire Matrix and generate it anew in order to keep humanity alive, albeit restrained to the Matrix. However, it also grants them a far greater control over the Matrix than redpills (people who have awoken to the reality of the Matrix and trained their minds to manipulate a portion of it) have. After awakening to his abilities as The One, Neo was able to revive from death and become far physically superior to how he was previously. His physical abilities directly draw from this power, and he also has several other abilities as well, being able to reshape the Matrix however he wants it to be.

In truth, the power of the One precludes the Matrix itself, and actually includes The Source, which is the mainframe of the whole Matrix. A “mainframe” in this context refers to the central processing unit behind a computer - and in this case, the Matrix. Throughout Revolutions, Neo is able to utilize the Source itself, starting when he was blinded by Agent Smith controlling Bane in the real world, where he was able to see Smith's coding.Throughout the rest of the movie, Neo is able to see other machines coding through the Source (represented by the yellow light). As Neo's physical capabilities are drawn from his source code and manipulation thereof, him being one with the source of everything in the Matrix and being able to utilize it should justify scaling him to the Matrix, and by extension Agent Smith as he defeated him in the final battle (at least from physical means). 

The High Tier Speed Feats

Both Agent Smith and Cyn have similar processing speed feats both can scale to, giving them some rather insane speed stats. But are these legit, or if what makes one safer to use than the other? Let’s check it out!

In Episode 7 of Murder Drones, a quick scene shows Yeva playing Tetris to such an extreme speed, getting a score of 16 septillion in a couple milliseconds. This has been calculated to get up to 802 billions-53 trillions times the speed of light. Eat your heart out Speedrunners. While there isn’t anything wrong with the calc itself (though you could argue the in-game Tetris point values being inflated), this is literally a 2-frame “blink and you’ll miss it” joke that could be considered to be an outlier, especially with how far it is from even the high ends of the ship-dodge feat, Murder Drones’s best and safest speed feat.

Meanwhile in the Matrix, in the short story Goliath, the Matrix is attacked by aliens from outer space (yes, really) and takes down a central processing unit, and so it needs to be reprocessed with a mirror Matrix. While this was happening, the protagonist of the story is stuck in a void, where an Agent will inform him of what was happening and that he was stuck there for a few nanoseconds while they get London processing again.

While the Agent only mentions London, it is more likely that he was talking about the whole world itself. There aren't different servers in the Matrix to process, that isn't how it works - the Matrix is the planet itself, it doesn't make sense for only a specific location to be reset like this. In addition, after the mirror is reprocessed, the protagonist remarks on how for twenty minutes, he knew what was going to happen and had a sense of deja vu, implying that the Matrix was reset to a previous point in time. This occurs later in the story as well with additional resets, which only makes sense if the world was reset.

So, how do we calculate this? As we know, every object in the Matrix is composed of code and numbers, and the Agent specifically refers to this process as reprocessing. We also know that the code in the Matrix works on a molecular and atomic level, according to this statement - even the fact that humanity in the Matrix knows that molecules and atoms exist in the first place is evidence that they have discovered these objects, which would need to be composed of code like everything else. 

FLOPS represent the number of floating-point operations that a processor is able to process within a second, a floating-point operation being a calculable instruction of real numbers in computers. This makes sense to use for comparison's sake, as objects within the Matrix are shown to be made up of code which is represented as numbers, which the Matrix must be able to process. FLOPS is also an incredibly small unit of measurement - for reference, a human brain is believed to be able to process things at around one exaFLOPS, which is one quintillion FLOPs per second.

Of course, this feat is also significantly superior to every other calcable feat in the Matrix, much like the Tetris feat for Murder Drones. However, it should be worth noting that the Matrix is known to be able to reset and reprocess itself in relatively short timeframes, and that fact is very important to the lore. The One using their source code to reset the Matrix is integral to the story of the franchise, and is the whole reason why it still existed at the point that the film even started in the first place. The Goliath feat simply elaborates further on what this process entails, and even in that story, the Matrix is reset multiple times.

TLDR: Feel free to use both, but we believe that the Matrix feats have way more backing to them than Murder Drones’s one, and thus, buy it over the other.

Keep in mind that the processing feats for The Matrix have a very specific context to them, and should not be the template for most other processing calcs to come. Do not turn this into another Alex Mercer situation.



Both Smith and Cyn became some of the most powerful characters in their respective series, with many ends to use. Let’s see how they compare and contrast, starting with Cyn.

Cyn is pretty clear in stats. Physically, Cyn should be around 139.52 Zettatons of TNT by scaling to Uzi in AP/Durability while the Solver allows her to make black holes that get between 279.42 Yottatons to 11.42 Quettatons of TNT. This is incredibly powerful and put behind some pretty good speed. Putting aside Tetris for a moment, Cyn's tendrils could strike a ship at 442c meaning she should be able to react at that speed. 

Smith is a little bit harder to pin down. By scaling to the Matrix he is vaguely Planet Level with arguments for being into the Solar System range that hold a good amount of weight. He is also just… really, REALLY FAST! By scaling to the Matrix once again he is likely hitting speeds in the range of 266 Septillions c to 266 Nonillion c. Nonillion meaning 30 zeros by the way. But even if you wanted to hold back on the Matrix reprocessing, there is still the Matrix going into overdrive which gets 178460c. Way higher than any reasonable scaling for Murder Drones.

Now if you couldn't guess by the speed gap the inclusion of Tetris or not would not matter. Getting up to 53 Trillion c for Cyn would be nice but the feat has a lot of questionable aspects and also wouldn't matter as Smith is still speed blitzing by a lot. Even if you don't buy the higher end speed feats for either Smith is still faster comparing 400c to 100000c. On the basis of strength and durability, Smith would either be physically comparable to Cyn while losing out AP to the Solver, or much stronger than even the Solver could imagine. So Smith should likely be taking AP and durability as well but Cyn could make up for this with her…


Here there is a lot more to discuss and talk about. Both Smith and Cyn have a lot of powerful tools at hand. Smith has access to a wide variety of clones due to his assimilation. While Cyn does have J and her backups they likely couldn't match the army Smith has. 

Both Smith and Cyn have a form of teleportation but, Cyn's is much better as it is way more free form and isn't limited by everyone in the Matrix. However, Smith's teleportation is only a side effect of his possession. Something he can potentially do just to end the fight as Cyn likely would not have the same resistances to this ability as the rebels from the Matrix would. In fact, this possession would also give Smith a multitude of lives to work with, making sure he always has a body to retreat to if he dies somehow. The Matrix is home to BILLIONS of people so Cyn would either have to individually kill billions of people or spend her time on AoE spam which she can't afford. This is only course not including Cyn herself who can still be possessed, meaning that Cyn pretty much has damn near no way of winning. Cyn also has a smaller scale version of the extra lives gimmick with the Solver but it's way less useful and can be countered and overwhelmed.

Aside from what they have in common the Solver gives Cyn a lot of small-time tools to overwhelm and defend against Smith's more basic attacks. Telekinesis can keep Smith at bay, forcefields can block Smith's gunfire, CallbackPing can attempt to overwhelm Smith and her illusions can confuse Smith.

Another big point in Cyn's favor is her regeneration. Being able to heal from more things Smith can do on the outside is great, and her core turning into a black hole to catch Smith off guard would work in Cyn's favor.

Finally is the Solvers special sauce. The black holes used by the Solver could act as a form of durability negation and suck up Smith if he isn't careful. 

Unfortunately, here is where Smith starts taking everything with 2 abilities. Time Stop and assimilation. With his control over the Matrix as an Agent he should be able to just stop time. This would nullify all of Cyn's options immediately and give Smith a free opportunity to use his greatest tool. By using assimilation Smith could bypass Cyn's regeneration and turn her into a clone of him. Even if this were to cause Cyn's blackhole core failsafe to go off, Smith's control over the Matrix could help him in many ways.

He could avoid the attack by exiting the Matrix for a short period or simply effect the code of the black hole core and delete it. Smith's control of the Matrix is very similar to Neo’s who has full control of the Matrix, meaning there's a high chance Smith's incredible control of the Matrix could allow him to effect the code of a black hole. This is assuming the core can even turn into a black hole under the effects if stopped time or goes off due to assimilation as it's not a direct attack on the core.

Now we get to the “buts”.

“But couldn't Cyn hack Smith and the Matrix?” Short answer, probably not. The Matrix is just way bigger and more complex than any code Cyn has ever seen. First, Cyn would have to know how the Matrix works and understand its fundamentals which she would have to take a moment to figure out if she can figure it out at all. Then she would have to attempt to hack Smith or the Matrix's code. Code that works down to the atomic level, a level of coding Cyn has never seen. This is compared to Smith's assimilation which has worked on the vastly more complex machines of the Matrix such as other Agents and the Oracle.

“But couldn't Cyn teleport and hack one of her Murder Drone backup bodies to escape assimilation?” Another likely no. This is because Agent Smith was capable of converting another Agent into a Smith clone. Agent's are able to possess bodies and teleport with their programming and they were completely unable to do this when Smith assimilated them. Even if Cyn could, Smith's timestop would completely shut down this option. Or even if she could swap to the other backups while being assimilated Smith's army is much bigger and could likely assimilate all the backups.

Smith also has his limited precognition. While it likely wouldn't be the most useful thing in combat it is something of note he can use to see what Cyn may do in the fight as long.

So to put this section into a couple words. While Cyn has a wider variety of abilities and tricks, Smith's are way more potent and can actually get the job done.

Tertiary Factors

While we don't know much about the history of these two we do know the Matrix has been going on for a long time and that Cyn has been out destroying planets for a good while. Along with them both being hyper intelligent machines with self awareness they should be pretty similar in where IQ and experience are concerned. However, Smith is a much more skilled fighter as he and the other Agents are masters at martial arts while Cyn is more of a ranged fighter who spams projectiles. Smith will also be more used to the environment he's in due to this fight having to take place of the Matrix, even if Cyn could figure out what's going on and how it works.


This fight isn't exactly close. No matter where you think AP and durability are for Smith his speed and abilities are way more useful than anything Cyn and the Solver can do. Smith's wincons of assimilation, possession and code manipulation are way more potent than Cyn's black holes. This isn't helped by the fact Smith has a timestop and a lot more ways to keep himself alive if he were to somehow die while Cyn is limited to a few backups she could hack and fight with. Both are pretty equal in IQ and skill but Smith's martial arts and Matrix knowledge are beating out anything Cyn has in the tertiary section. Cyn just doesn't have what she needs to put Smith down for good and especially not taking down the Matrix which would almost be a requirement to beat Smith.

Cyn is absolutely a threat, but she just couldn't solve Smith. The winner is Agent Smith.

Advantages and Disadvantages 

Agent Smith

“Human beings are a disease, a cancer on this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure.”


  • Significantly faster with every end

  • Far stronger with higher ends of scaling to the Matrix…

  • Impossible to fully destroy

  • Assimilation would immediately end the fight

  • Far more skilled in hand to hand combat

  • Heavily outnumbers Cyn with the many Smith clones

  • Hugo Weaving

  • Is in Multiversus

Equal (If necessary):

  • Both wouldn’t fall for either traps thanks to them being equal overall in IQ and experience


  • Doesn’t have much AOE and Range

  • … but is slightly weaker without said high ends

  • Smaller arsenal

  • More emotional which could cloud his judgment

  • Matrix Resurrections

  • Is in Multiversus


“Easier to assimilate than explain, anyway.”


  • Greater area of effect and range

  • Slightly stronger without high ends for Smith…

  • Black holes could destroy several Smith bodies at once

  • Her regen means most of Smith’s stuff can’t put her down

  • More emotionally composed 

  • Puppy Dog eyes, literally.

  • “BITE ME” is a banger song

Equal (If necessary):

  • Both wouldn’t fall for either traps thanks to them being equal overall in IQ and experience


  • … but completely outmatched otherwise, even with Solver abilities

  • No counters to time stop and Assimilation

  • Slower

  • Heavily outnumbered by the many Smith clones

  • Canonically was defeated by vore 


Team Agent Smith [8]: (Tru, Saul, The Monster King, Toppat Torchwick, Cryotechnics, Ninjamonkey3904, Family Guy Soundwave, YultehDoof)

Team Cyn [2]: (door-kun [pity], Fenic [pity])

Thank You/Next Time

Thank you to you for reading the blog as always. We had a hefty task to research the Matrix but I think we did a pretty good job. Thanks to TMK for coming in clutch on the Matrix research along with Fenic, Torchwick and Soundwave for researching some of the less represented Matrix media. Thank you to the N and Uzi VS Toko and Komaru Blog for the Murder Drones research and a thank you to Saul for doing most Of the stuff on Cyn's side. Now for the next time…

Megatron VS Skeletor

(G1 Transformers VS Masters of the Universe)

Throw back to the past with these OG cartoon villains. If you're interested DM me on Discord at tru2678 or find me in your local VS Discord.


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