Korra vs Delsin (Avatar the Last Airbender vs inFamous)

“The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope.”

Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Korra, the literal spiritual successor to Avatar Aang and master of all 4 elements.


Delsin, spiritual successor to Cole MacGrath and the primary driving force towards Conduit equality.

As our world spins and twirls new heroes rise to the occasion. Ones that pull from the past in service of a brighter future. They had big shoes to fill, but they proved they had what it takes to lead our generation to a better place.

Before We Begin

Korra’s media list is somewhat simple. Legend of Korra (duh), Avatar the Last Airbender, ATLA and LoK comics and novels along with other supplementary material and statements will be used. Pretty much just anything canon to the Avatar verse is fine.

Delsin’s a different case, as he only has inFAMOUS: Second Son for appearances alongside previous games and supporting material to refer to. However, we will strictly be focusing on Good Delsin for this blog, as it fits the matchup more thematically, and avoids the potential pitfall of Evil Delsin mentioning he’ll copy the powers of many conduits in Second Son’s evil ending.

This matchup uses two characters from drastically different time periods and cities. Because of this, the match will take place in a fictional area where all of Korra’s elements and Delsin’s conduit powers can be found.

As usual not everything in this blog was done by us. Shout outs to G1's Korra VS Storm, G1’s Toph VS Terra, G1's Cole MacGrath VS Alex Mercer, Respect Avatar Korra, and Respect Delsin Rowe

Just a small though likely unnecessary note before we begin, this blog has many different colored links. This is because it allows you to know powers we are talking about at any given moment by color coordination and it looks cool formatting wise. Any link not tied to any power in particular will be done using base colors (Blue for Korra, Brown for Delsin)



“I've realized that even though we should learn from those who came before us, we must also forge our own path.”

Water, Earth, Fire, Air. Long ago these four elemental nations lived together in harmony, but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. The Fire Lord Ozai and his army wreaked havoc on the other nations and the world seemed helpless. It was only then that a 12-year old boy named Aang would be released from his iceberg prison and journey off with new found friends to defeat the Fire Lord and bring peace to the four nations. He was the Avatar, the only being in the world who can bend all four elements at once. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end as when Aang passed away he would be reborn into his next incarnation. Being that the previous Avatar was an Air Nomad, it’s only natural for the Avatar’s next incarnation to be in the form of a waterbender. As a complete opposite of her pacifist predecessor, the new Avatar was rebellious and obstinate. However, her prowess in bending was made clear the instant she came out the womb. Her name? Korra.

Born and raised in the Southern Water Tribe, Korra was kept sheltered from the world for the sake of improving her training and to make sure she was ready to take on her duty as the newest Avatar. Korra relented this treatment and wanted to see the rest of the world for herself. She hopped on her steed Naga, and snuck out of her Tribe, illegally smuggled herself onto a boat, and now ventured off through the bustling streets of Republic City. Republic City being a symbol of unity built by the previous Avatar, Aang. Korra’s experience with the metropolis would turn sour when Amon and his Equalist posse arrived to eliminate all benders. Korra was later able to defeat Amon alongside brothers, Mako and Bolin, and nepo-baby Asami Sato by her side.

Korra has encountered many hurdles through her journey but the one that hurt the most was when she fought her backstabber of an uncle, Unalaq, and lost her connections to her past lives. This caused a real shift in her self-perception, wondering if she’s even worthy of being the Avatar. From fighting Red Lotus anarchists to the fascist Metalbender Kuvira,  just like a phoenix, she would rise from her injuries again and again. Taking her challenges head-on with plenty of support from friends, colleagues, and mentors by her side.

Even if she wasn’t perfect, Korra has proven herself time and time again that resilience and determination is all you need to defend the world from spiritual imbalance. A new Avatar cycle will eventually begin anew, but for now, the balance of the world is in good hands.


“Okay, I got this whole thing figured out. We hit the town, then maybe swing by the Space Needle - always wanted to see it - and then we're back home to save some lives.”

7 years after Cole MacGrath activated the Ray field inhibitor, the world had clearly changed. While the Monster known as the Beast was stopped, the superhumans known as Conduits all were wiped out in the process, including MacGrath himself. In the present, The United States government was afraid of another similar event happening again, and formed the D.U.P to prevent it. This organization would round up all newly made Conduits, who they renamed to bio-terrorists. One of these fresh Conduits being targeted was a man named Delsin Rowe.

Delsin never wanted to be one of these powered-up powerhouses. Despite being a member of the humble Akomish Tribe, Delsin wasn't big on following the rules. Vandalism being a pastime of his also didn't reflect well on his policeman brother Reggie. The day Delsin got his powers started out no different. That was until a D.U.P truck came crashing towards Delsin and Reggie. Both worked to help those who were in the crash but Delsin ended up stumbling into Henry “Hank” Daughtry, a Bio-terrorist with the ability to control smoke. When Delsin came into contact with Hank, he ended up absorbing his conduit power and gaining Henry's power of Smoke.

Gaining his powers allowed him to fight Hank and help Reggie but this event caused the D.U.P’s leader, Brooke Augustine to show up in search of the escaped Conduits. Delsin himself became one of her targets and to get information on Delsin, Augustine went to the Akomish Tribe and impaled them all with her Concrete power to try and get them to talk.

From here Delsin's goal became clear. Absorb the powers of the other escaped conduits (being Fetch who used Neon and Eugene who used Video), recruit them to help in his fight, and defeat Augustine to get her Concrete power which would allow Delsin to save the Akomish Tribe. The road wasn't easy, Delsin had to fight the D.U.P, the escaped Conduits and the pre-established public image of conduits in order to get to Augustine. It even cost Reggie’s life in order to beat Augustine. However, Delsin showed the world Conduits were not Bio-terrorists, but people who walked on two feet. In the end the Akomish Tribe was saved, Delsin was True Hero, and his kind was no longer… inFAMOUS.

(It's like the game!!!)



Water Bending

As a bender born in the Southern Water Tribe, Korra was always going to be an adept waterbender. She would be trained directly under Katara and mastered waterbending before formally moving onto the other three elements. This was only enhanced by her time as a pro bender. Water bending allows Korra to have complete control over water. She can launch it as a stream-like projectile, move large amounts of water to create huge waves, make water tendrils, block attacks, launch herself from a body of water, create large water pillars, heal wounds, make pockets of air underwater and move across snow/water.

Water bending also gives Korra control over steam and more commonly, ice. Ice can freeze things in place, be fired as a sharp projectile, create walls/ramps and make a platform on water. A previous Avatar, Kyoshi is capable of freezing people’s internal organs simply by touching them. However, it is unlikely that Korra would be able to perform something similar.

Water bending is based on Tai Chi, which compensates on fluidity and adaptability, fitting for the element of water.

Fire Bending

Firebending is Korra’s go to for close quarters combat, with the series even starting us off with her completing her Firebending training. Fire is the element of power and energy and is unique in the fact that it remains the only Element that involves its practitioner actually generating it, likely from their own chi reserves within the stomach. As shown above, Korra’s most direct application of Firebending is to unleash fireballs and torrents of flame on her opponents via any one of her limbs and even through her own mouth.

Korra also demonstrates great control and creativity with her Firebending, being able to create fire “daggers” for close quarters combat, encircle opponents in a ring of fire, generate a flame shield to block water-based attacks, and can straight-up propel herself through the air Iron-Man style. She can also just… y’know, violently blow stuff up.

Firebending is based on Northern Shaolin Kung Fu, which is known for aggressive strikes and channeling energy through the user's limbs.

Earth Bending

Likely the second Element Korra had finished training in, as we know she completed Waterbending first and the start of the show is Korra’s final Firebending test, implying she completed Earth off-screen. While we don’t have as much of a solid grasp on her Earthbending training before the story began, Korra would train with Toph Beifong herself

Korra can manipulate the earth beneath her to strike targets from below, which range from narrow, concentrated attacks like shown above or large waves of the earth/concrete being violently ripped apart. She can also rip out chunks of the earth from the ground and launch them as projectiles, manipulate the ground to disorient her foe, raise chunks of stone to trap opponents, raise walls and pillars of stone to block attacks, lift and carry others into the air with boulders, redirect pieces of earth (or anything containing it) thrown at her, and create shockwaves by slamming and cratering into the ground.

Earthbending is based on the martial art, Hung Gar, which relies on specific stances and hard-hitting attacks. The more stable you are to the ground, the harder your hits will be.

Metal Bending

A sub-type of earthbending, metalbending was invented decades ago by our favorite Blind Bandit, Toph Beifong. With some direction from Suyin Beifong, Korra would become the first ever Avatar to learn and master Metalbending. As metal is considered highly refined earth in the world of Avatar, it is possible to bend metal through detecting the "unpurified" crude earth still present within the metal and bending it. This allows Metalbenders to mold or break apart chunks of metal, toss or redirect pieces of metal, and even stick and climb on metal surfaces. After her training with Toph, Korra has shown she can now bend liquid metals and even change their density into a more solid form and demonstrated the precision to safely bend mercury out of the pores of her skin. She’s also trained briefly in using metal cables as whips for combat. Korra can bend all metals with the exception of platinum.

Air Bending

While she initially struggled with it at first due to its zen practices clashing with her brash personality, Korra eventually excelled at airbending. Though as to be expected of her last learned Element, Korra is not as skilled in Airbending as she is with the other three Elements. While we don’t know how she fully compares to other Airbenders, we do know her teacher: Tenzin, the son of Avatar Aang. Tenzin is repeatedly referenced as having spent the most time with his father than the rest of his siblings and trained with him extensively to prepare him for the role of guiding all future Airbenders to come.

Despite having only learned it recently compared to the other three elements, Korra visibly improved across the series and has demonstrated a wide variety of techniques with her Airbending. When Korra unlocked Airbending, she showed the ability to fire powerful bursts of wind at her opponents. After further training, Korra could manipulate the air to create air scooters, cushions, shields, and oxygen spheres all for utility or defense. Offensively, Korra can create tornadoes and even pull a Zaheer and suffocate targets, though Korra has only done this to incapacitate. Additionally, Korra has been shown manipulating the air around her to fly with her glider staff.

Airbending is based on Ba Gua Zhang. The martial art focuses on a certain walking pattern in the form of a circle. Walking in a circle provides better maneuverability, allowing the user to change course quickly without losing balance.

Spirit Bending / Energy Bending

A variation of healing, Spiritbending involves the manipulation of chi to cure, purify and balance corrupted or imbalanced Spirits and return them to the Spirit World. Korra uses this technique all across Book 2 to try and cure multiple Spirits of corruption, ultimately using it to finish off Unalaq & Vaatu in their final battle, leaving no trace of either of them behind. Additionally in The Legend of Korra video game, she uses this technique to completely annihilate the game's villain, Hundun, with him being completely paralyzed once Korra initiates the technique. The writers have explained the foundation of Spiritbending is about the relationship between mass and energy, and how both can be converted into one another. When Korra uses this technique on a corrupted spirit, she isn't destroying them but converting their energy into a different form of energy.

Very similar to Spiritbending is the art of Energybending, a technique first used by the Lion Turtles to grant the gift of Bending to ancient humans and through them the first Avatar, Wan, gained the ability to use all four elements. Nearly ten thousand years later, Aang would be gifted the ability to Energybend by the last Lion Turtle, which he would then impart to Korra at the end of Book 1, restoring both her bending and giving her the ability to restore bending to others

Energybending was also famously used to do the opposite: permanently take away someone's Bending abilities. In fact when Aang did this to Ozai, it’s mentioned he flipped their souls inside out, rewired his Chi, and could've killed him if he wanted to. Energybending is also a double-edged sword as a powerful enough soul could resist, corrupt, and even kill their attacker. Korra’s greatest feats of Energybending however are being able to free souls trapped in the Spirit World, unlock her cosmic self and manifest it while meditating in the Tree of Time, and deflecting the Spirit Cannon and inadvertently creating a Spirit Portal.

Avatar State

When Wan, the first Avatar, fused with the Spirit of Light, Raava, to face off against the Spirit of Darkness, Vaatu, he would draw energy from the Spirit Portals and bond their souls together to best the dark spirit. Now whenever the Avatar draws on this massive pool of spirit energy and on the power of Raava it is known as the Avatar State. When in this state, the Avatar’s powers increase drastically, bumping up their raw power to a scale no one else in the series besides powerful spirits like Vaatu can match and is one that’s been growing since the beginning of time itself.

Previously Avatars before Korra could also draw on the experiences of their past lives. However after the brief destruction of Raava, Korra lost her connection to all her past lives. Even after Korra restores Raava by pulling her out of Vaatu and fusing with her once again, she could not reconnect to her past lives. This makes Korra the first Avatar of a new cycle and the only Avatar whose skills can be drawn upon when the next Avatar comes around.

While Raava can’t exactly fly out of the Avatar’s body and defend them, she has been shown to protect the Avatar in other ways. Raava is able to speak directly to the Avatar and nudge them awake even as they fall unconscious and bring them into the Avatar State. Additionally, something Raava may be able to do is forcefully rip out any Spirits within one's body, separating them from their host and destroy them. While we’ve never seen Raava do this, it should be possible given Vaatu is her equal and dark counterpart and giant Korra herself later does this against Unavaatu.


Conduit Physiology

Delsin is what is known as a Prime Conduit, as in due to having an active conduit gene. These genes, aside from giving a conduit their unique powers, also grant them superhuman strength and speed, making them strong enough to lift cars or fast enough to dodge gunfire.

Conduits also have enhanced regenerative abilities, which allows them to regenerate on a molecular level. This healing factor takes effect after a minute, however, Conduits can regenerate even faster when near their element.  For Delsin, this was shown when he quickly regenerated after being shot by some thugs due to being near smoke.

Not only that, but Conduits have shown capable of resisting the effect of the Ray Sphere, which deconstructed any human being in its path as well as causing regeneration poisoning. Conduits also can live for a long, LONG time. Some conduits have even been living since the Salem Trials.

Power Absorption

Delsin has consistently shown the ability to absorb the powers of other conduits through contact. This was used on Hank, Fetch, Eugene and Augustine (shown above). Delsin can also absorb power from blast shards which allow Delsin to gain new abilities and level up his powers.

Memory Viewing

After Delsin absorbs another Conduit’s powers, he can see into their memories. Learning about their backstory and struggles such as with the main four Conduits he’s absorbed from. 


No matter what power Delsin is using he can always glide around the city with a slight hover.


Delsin is able to use his powers to heal civilians who are damaged. He was even able to heal the entirety of the Akomish Tribe from the concrete injuries given to them by the D.U.P. He’s also able to heal himself after a bit of time or by absorbing an element source nearby. He can heal from bullets being directly shot at him and surviving massive explosions. 


Delsin is a surprisingly capable fighter at close range being able to throw a punch and take one. He can also easily dispatch and subdue foes. Delsin’s melee can be found in many different forms such as his basic chain (shown above), a neon blade, a video sword, or his bare first. Delsin’s melee capabilities also have their own set of unique abilities written into Delsin’s DNA that can be done with any of his powers.

Ability Name


Comet Drop

If Delsin is falling from a high elevation he can slam his fist into the ground for massive damage.

Dash Strike

While Delsin is dashing he can quickly attack for a surprise melee hit.

Dash Subdue

An upgrade to the Dash Strike that lets Delsin quickly subdue enemies out of a dash.

Karmic Healing

Delsin gains some health back whenever he subdues an enemy.


Obtained from Henry Daughtry (AKA Hank), the element of Smoke was the first Conduit ability Delsin has ever gotten. It allows him to manipulate all matter of smoke, embers and fire. Smoke gives Delsin several abilities, such as:

Ability Name


Smoke Shot

Delsin fires a quick bolt of smoke and embers.

Cinder Blast

Delsin charges for a bit before blasting a shotgun-like blast of smoke and embers.

Sulfur Headshots

An upgrade to Smoke Shot, which makes any enemy headshotted by this attack choke out on a cloud of smoke.

Knockout Headshots

An upgrade to Sulfur Headshots, enemies headshotted are now instantly knocked out.

Smoke Dash

Delsin turns into Smoke and dashes forward. Can be used to go through half-solid objects such as cages.

Double Air Dash

An upgrade to Smoke Dash, Delsin can now dash twice in the air. 

Car Boost

Delsin utilizes the fumes of a car to blast upward.

Vent Dash

Delsin turns into Smoke and quickly moves through a vent (sus).

Vent Healing

An upgrade to Vent Dash, which heals Delsin while he is venting.

Sulfur Bomb

Delsin throws a compressed ball of smoke, which shortly explodes like a grenade. Enemies hit by it are forced to choke on a cloud of smoke.

Corrosive Fumes

An upgrade to Sulfur Bomb, which increases the time enemies cough on smoke.

Giant Sulfur Bomb

An upgrade to Sulfur Bomb, which increases its radius.

Cinder Missile

Delsin fires a compressed projectile of smoke which explodes on contact.

Drain Smoke

Delsin drains smoke from his environment to refill his energy,

Quick Drain

An upgrade to Drain Smoke, which makes draining smoke twice as fast.

Orbital Drop

Delsin’s Karma Bomb. He turns into smoke and soars into the air, before crashing down to earth, causing a massive explosion.


Obtained from Abigail Walker (AKA Fetch), Neon allows Delsin to manipulate Neon lights for several long ranged abilities such as:

Ability Name


Neon Beam

Delsin fires a concentrated blast of Neon light.

Laser Insight 

Delsin uses Neon light to find enemy weak spots. Shooting an enemy in the head will obliterate them while shooting the shin will knock them out.

Laser Focus

An upgrade to Laser Insight, which slightly slows down Delsin perception time while aiming.

Extended Focus

An upgrade to Laser Focus which allows Delsin to slow down his perception time for an even longer period.

Speed Loader

An upgrade to Laser Insight, which instantly recharges the Power Meter after using Light Speed.

Light Speed

Delsin turns into Neon Light, increasing his speed and agility.

Photon Jump

An upgrade to Light Speed, which increases Delsin’s jump height while using Light Speed.

Endless Speed

An upgrade to Light Speed, which allows Delsin to use it indefinitely.

Stasis Bubble

Delsin shoots a Bubble that levitates and freezes anyone caught in its grasp.

Enhanced Stasis

An upgrade to Stasis Bubble, which allows Delsin to instantly knock out any enemies caught in the bubble.

Extended Bubble

An upgrade to Stasis Bubble, which prolongs the time the enemies are stuck in the bubble.

Phosphor Beam

Delsin fires a supercharged Neon beam.

Drain Neon

Delsin drains Neon Light from his surroundings to refill his energy.

Quick Drain

An upgrade to Drain Neon, which makes draining Neon Light twice as fast.

Radiant Sweep

The Neon Karma Bomb. Lifts enemies into the air before blasting them with rapid fire neon.


Obtained from Eugene Sims, who has control over Video. Almost anything with a screen works to fill up this power. Video is used to overwhelm enemies with abilities such as:

Ability Name


Video Torrent

Delsin fires a barrage of damage at his enemies.

Video Surge

Delsin creates a pair of wings to glide around. He can also go into a satellite dish to launch himself.

Signal Boost

An upgrade to Video Surge that lets Delsin jump high into the air while in the middle of a glide.

Double Air Surge

Allows Delsin to perform two Video Surges while in that air.


While Delsin is hovering forward he gains speed. Delsin can then pull back to swoop upwards.

Hovering Fire

Delsin can aim in and hover while in the air.

Shroud of Invisibility 

Delsin turns onto a form of barely visible pixels to sneak up and around enemies.

Extended Invisibility 

An upgrade to Shroud of Invisibility that increases its duration.

Enhanced Invisibility 

Another upgrade to Shroud of Invisibility where Delsin can now subdue an enemy whole staying invisible.

Summon Wingman

While invisible Delsin summons a Wingman to distract and attack enemies.

Bloodthirsty Blades

Delsin calls in 3 exploding swords to strike down any foes caught in their path.

Drain Video

Delsin drains nearby video sources to recharge his Video power.

Quick Drain

Cuts the time to drain Video sources in half 

Hellfire Swarm

Video’s Karma Bomb. Delsin summons a horde of demons to fly towards the ground and cause massive damage to anything they hit.


Obtained from Brooke Augustine, the leader of the D.U.P and is the last of the 4 main elements Delsin can manipulate. It had strong offense and good defense with abilities such as:

Ability Name


Concrete Shrapnel 

Delsin fires a stream of shrapnel.

Extended Shrapnel 

An upgrade to Concrete Shrapnel that fires it in a longer burst.

Boulder Dash

Delsin covers himself in concrete while charging forward, knocking away anything in his path.

Extended Dash

An upgrade that increases the distance of Boulder Dash.

Endless Dash

An upgrade that makes Boulder Dash infinite.

Concrete Thrusters

Delsin uses concrete to launch himself forward or keep Delsin airborne.

Double Lift

An upgrade for Concrete Thrusters that allows Delsin to lift himself in the air for a second time.

Triple Lift 

Do we have to explain this…

Concrete Barrage

Delsin sends out a wave of concrete slab to cause destruction to what they hit.

Wide Barrage

An improvement to Concrete Barrage which widens the spread of the concrete slabs.

Drain Concrete

Delsin can drain concrete off defeated D.U.P enemies (and likely other sources)

Strength of Stone

Increases Delsin's durability when Delsin is using Concrete.

Strength of Granite

Increases Delsin’s damage reduction further.

Note: Delsin has also used concrete to trap people such as Augustine



Gliding Staff

After unlocking Airbending, Korra was given a Glider Staff to further her training and mastery of the element. Korra has used the staff in conjunction with her Airbending to fly and blow opponents away.

Metal Cables

During metalbending training, Korra has used metal cables, commonly used by Republic City’s police. These cables can be bent to attack at long range distances and the police have used them to maneuver and swing around Republic City’s perimeters. However, after her metalbending training, Korra has not used these cables since.



Delsin has a chain to smack around the D.U.P that can be infused with Delsin's powers.

Spray Paint

To pull the most epic of Ker-Pranks Delsin has a few cans of spray paint to tag walls and billboards alike. 

 (Fun Fact: for these segments of the game you have to hold your controller sideways and move it around to spray stuff. It's really damn cool)




  • Learned how to bend 3 out of the 4 elements as a toddler, and learned Air as a teen

  • Defeated Amon, UnaVaatu, The Red Lotus, and Kuvira

  • Became the first Metalbending Avatar

  • Opened the Spirit Portals for the first time in ten thousand years, taking the first step in uniting humans and Spirits

Attack Potency






  • Helped conduits such as Fetch and Eugene by setting them on the right path

  • Took down the D.U.P and their leader Augustine

  • Saved the Akomish Tribe with his new powers

  • Brought forth the new age of humans and conduits living together

Attack Potency 






Team Avatar (TLOK)

Korra’s main friend group is Mako, Bolin, and her girlfriend Asami. As Korra is the Avatar she is above that of most regular benders by principle and has been shown to be above that of Mako, Bolin, and the regular human.

Team Avatar (ATLA)

Once again a group of ragtag pals from a different lifetime of Korra’s. Not only has Korra met with most of this group but she has learned under Katara and Toph. Because Aang has been able to best and match the people in this group, and Korra is just a reincarnation of Aang that draws from the same power source (being Raava), scaling should make sense.

Fire Nation / Korra Villains

The big bads of both series respectively. For similar reasons to Korra scaling to the Team Avatar of yesterday Korra should be able to scale to the Fire Nation and their top soldiers who Aang was able to defeat.

Obviously for Korra’s own villains she has gone toe-to-toe and matched with even the worst people of her time.

ATLA era Villains

TLOK era Villains

Various Benders

Not only has Korra taken on many pro benders and should be able to hang with most benders as the Avatar, Aang who she scales to has taken on plenty of miscellaneous benders himself.


As the Avatar Korra is supposed to be a bridge between the Spirit realm and the human realm. Because of this she has many encounters with spirits including the strongest spirit and kite of evil, Vaatu. Fighting against Vaatu and fusing with Raava should easily put Korra above any other spirit.


The Avatars are the keeper of balance between the four nations and such are incredibly powerful. Since they are all the same person Korra should reasonably scale to her past lives and their power through Raava.


Henry “Hank” Daughtry

The conduit who started it all. Due to Delsin being able to both defeat Hank and having the same power of Smoke, Delsin should reasonably be able to scale to him.

Yeah Hank sucks…

Abigail “Fetch” Walker

Another conduit Delsin defeated and took the powers of. Safe to say Delsin scales to Fetch and her Neon power.

Eugene Sims

Could you guess how Delsin scales to Eugene? If you said defeated Eugene in a fight before absorbing his powers you would be correct. Another conduit Delsin should scale to with relative ease.

Brooke Augustine (And D.U.P)

The final conduit Delsin defeated. Despite Augustine’s experience with Concrete Delsin was able to overpower and beat Augustine making the scaling pretty easy to justify.

Cole MacGrath (Debatable)

The InFamous Prime Conduit himself, while Cole has been dead for years as of the time of Second Son, a scaling chain does exist to make the argument of comparing Delsin to him. And that argument is, Blast Shards!

So, Blast Shards make up the upgrade system in all three InFamous games(InFamous 1, 2 and Second Son), to amplify both Cole and Delsin's powers, as it’s stated in InFamous 2 that Cole absorbs the energy from the Blast Shards, and in InFamous Second Son it’s fairly clear that Delsin is absorbing the energy from Blast Shards as well.

Comparing the amounts that Cole and Delsin absorbed, in InFamous 1 at maximum Cole absorbed 350 Blast Shards (only these ones are noted, since Cole was drained and weakened at the start of InFamous 2), meanwhile Delsin only absorbed 204 blast shards. A decently large gap, which is why it’d be strange to argue Delsin to compare to a end of InFamous 1 or onwards Cole seeing as Cole on average has far higher highs, meaning things like Cole blowing half the Beasts head off or dodging lightning are iffy to scale directly to Delsin. But some of Coles more casual feats or feats that he did early in his career should be more directly comparable to Delsin, since assuming feats that Cole did early in his career before he absorbed that many Blast Shards wouldn’t be at least comparable to a peak potential Good Karma Delsin would be a bit odd.

So with all of this in mind, we can at least scale Delsin to some of Cole's lower feats, such as the following.



Korra was always destined to be an incredibly skilled Avatar. Even at a young age Korra already showed she could bend three of the four elements. As Korra grew older she began to master these elements as she learned to air bend and refine the other three. A lot of her skill in these elements came from studying under masters such as Tenzin, Katara, Toph and many more. She also learned many sub bending techniques like healing, Spiritbending and Metalbending. Along with bending Korra is also skilled in martial arts (likely due to bending being based on martial arts). With her bending and martial arts skills Korra has fought against many high level opponents in her time such as Amon, Unalaq, Zaheer and Kuvira. Each with their own armies and deadly bags of tricks like Bloodbending so potent it can remove your bending or a spirit cannon attached to a giant mech. She even fought against the spirit of darkness and chaos and won. Another important thing about Korra is her stamina and toughness. She has fought for long periods of time without slowing down and even fought many fights with mercury poisoning while keeping up in that state.


Delsin wasn't cut out to be the most skilled of a fighter. His small tribe and street artist lifestyles never really gave him a need for it. However, Delsin was always good at parkour. This was further improved by his conduit powers and their multitude of traversal options which taught Delsin to use his environment to his advantage. While he didn't master his conduit abilities at first, with the support of Reggie, Fetch and Eugene he learned to master his powers. With his on the fly wit and conduit abilities Delsin was able to take on the D.U.P and their leader Augustine. This is important because Delsin beat her with her own Concrete power, which Delsin had just gained. This was in spite of the fact Augustine had seven years of experience with Concrete over Delsin. It took a lot of fighting to reach and defeat Augustine, but in just a few days Delsin took down the D.U.P’s once unbreakable image without much prior training. Just goes to show how much tenacity and drive Delsin has when he has a goal in mind.



Korra is one of the best Avatar's the world has seen but she is not without her flaws. While she has worked on her emotions, Korra can be very hot headed and brash causing her to lose sight of her goals and get lost in the fight. Korra is also one of the only Avatar's who's Avatar State does not have the connection to the past avatars leaving her alone… Korra Alone. Another flaw with the Avatar State is that if Korra dies in it the cycle of new Avatars being born is over. A big weakness of all benders is that outside of fire, they need their elements to be present in order to be bent.


Delsin has become a pretty solid conduit overall. However, he is not perfect and can be beat. He can be pretty cocky and ill tempered which has led to him losing his composure. Delsin’s also has a massive weakness in the fact that he has to manually switch between his powers and can only use one at a time. He also has to find a source for each power to absorb it which takes it even more time. To make matters worse he is limited in how much he can use each power before being forced to switch powers and recharge his current one.

Before We Decide… 

Should Korra get Connection to the Past Avatars?

To put it simply, no. While Korra did have access to a version of the Avatar State where her past lives were there to guide her, she lost that during her fight with Unalaq as he damaged Raava to the point where the past Avatar's lives were erased. While Korra did end up reuniting and fusing with Raava once more, her past lives were lost permanently. While Korra should still be able to scale to them as she is still the same person as them and still draws from the same power source in the form Raava, she lost her previous incarnations forever. You could argue this means Korra isn't being taken at her peak but we argue the experiences, techniques and feats granted in later seasons of Legend of Korra are much more important to Korra and valuable than the knowledge of the past Avatars.

Avatar’s Lightning

Note: This wasn't tagged as debatable as way too many Avatar feats include the use of Lightningbending.

Lightningbending is a subform of Firebending. Many of Avatar’s best speed feats are by redirecting, blocking or dodging attacks from Lightningbending. Sounds pretty straightforward right? While it mostly is Lightningbending has one notable flaw. For those who aren't aware some members of the VS community have brought some issues to light about lightning based feats in versus. The issue with many lightning based feats is related to the source of the lightning. For things described as “lightning” to be considered viable they have to be from or comparable to lightning from storm clouds. This is referred to as “cloud to ground”.

Obviously Avatar’s Lightningbending would naturally come into question as it is very blatantly not from clouds. However, in our opinion Lightningbending may still be fine to use due to Lightningbending being comparable to in-verse cloud to ground lightning.

To put it simply, Lightningbending in Avatar is shown to be similar to and on par with real lightning within the verse. This is shown through the famous scene where Uncle Iroh redirects cloud to ground lightning. This redirection technique has since been used by Aang and Zuko on Lightningbending with the same effects as cloud to ground lightning.

Due to this very blatant comparison we can infer the lightning from Lightningbending is likely intended to be at the same speed as cloud to ground lightning. 

However to some this may not be enough evidence and that is fine. Even if you do not buy these feats Vaatu expanding his dark energy across the world is faster than any of the lightning timing feats but the choice to buy these feats are up to you.

Avatar's Spirits and Light

For the longest time Avatar seemed to cap at MHS+ speeds as there was simply no clear feat that indicated they could scale higher. Natural light used for attacks and lasers not based in weird spirit magic don’t exist in the verse (yet). So why would anyone have reason to believe Avatar characters could scale higher? Well there’s one argument you could make that would drastically elevate the speed scaling of at least the god tiers of the franchise: Spirit Lights.

Yes, while they’re clearly not traditional lasers, Spirit Energy, i.e. the Spirit Portals, The Colossus’ spirit cannon, Spirit Korra & Unavaatu’s beams, Light emitted from the Avatar State etc… surprisingly meet most of the criteria to pass off as natural light (credit to original argument here on VSBW):

However there are two notable disqualifiers: Emitting force (as shown by stuff like Vaatu’s beam pushing Korra back) and generating explosions. The former could debatably be countered by arguing that there are examples of light emitting force in real life (e.g. solar sailing) and its own special properties could justify the kinetic energy being higher than natural light. The latter meanwhile is harder to defend as the Colossus’ spirit cannon consistently causes massive explosions that can’t simply be explained off as superheating. And even while it could be an example of the Faraday effect, we can't not mention the bending of the spirit cannon which would likely add even less validity to FTL Avatar even though this does have a plausible explanation. These three factors cast heavy doubt on lightspeed Spirit Energy/Lights, especially in absence of more concrete feats and coming anywhere close to the speed of light…

But hold on! There’s still a few more avenues where we could take this. The first and more complicated route: Aurora compositions. As shown with Aang's reawakening, the Spirit Portal, and Vaatu's energy spread, Spirit Energy can create/trail off into auroras, with auroras moving at 0.06 to 0.11c depending on if you use the speed of the energized particles or the waves that carry them. As both Wan and Korra have reacted to concentrated bursts of energy from Vaatu, which should scale over his extremely casual energy spread, they should scale to the speed of auroras. Unavaatu is even shown entering and traveling through the auroras over the world, which further solidifies the idea that Spirit Energy is akin to aurora compositions.

In summary it does seem that Spirit Energy in Avatar can reasonably be used to buff the verse. While Kuvira’s spirit cannon has a multitude of problems that cannot be ignored, the use of spirit energy to casually create auroras could scale to the attack speed of spirit attacks such as Vaatu’s beams. This means Korra could get around 0.06c-0.11c in her reactions/attack speeds, or sub-relativistic to relativistic. This is if you believe the combat speeds of the elementals or Korra’s reactions  scale to this.

The Moon Feats (Moon Level Avatars… and Side Characters? Rela Yue?)

(Zhao solos your favorite verse fr fr)

Some of the biggest feats in all of Avatar are in relation to the Moon Spirit, who controls the rise and fall of the moon. That part of the feat is very easy to understand. The confusion and wild aspects of the feat come from trying to scale the cast to the Moon Spirit.

Starting off, scaling characters to the feat via Zhao is not a valid way to scale the cast to the moon spirit. The Moon Spirit is stated to control the Moon's rise and fall, its physical body that Zhao attacks does not have to scale to the Moon Spirit's power to control the moon. Zhao is pretty much just taking out the weak, fish body of the Moon Spirit as we have no way the fish physically scales.

Now while Zhao can't scale to the fish he isn't exactly the most powerful. However, Raava and Vaatu are both the strongest spirits and should easily upscale the Moon Spirit. Pretty simple right? Well… while we know the Moon Spirit controls the rise and fall we aren't exactly sure on how. Obviously it physically wouldn't scale as explained above but we aren't even sure if this is done through any form of AP. Moving the moon could just be a haxed-based ability that the Moon Spirit had and no one would have a reason to scale to it. Not even the most powerful spirits since spirits are meant to embody the concept of their name (like Raava being the spirit of light, Vaatu being the spirit of darkness and the Ocean Spirit being… the ocean). Hence why it just being a Moon Spirit specific ability would make sense. You could maybe argue the feat however with the debunks shown above it doesn't have a lot of ground to stand on.

There is also Princess Yue’s feat where, after returning the life energy given to her and becoming one with the Moon Spirit, her spirit seemingly ascends to the Moon. While one could argue that Yue is technically entering the Spirit World and thus it isn’t applicable as a speed feat, subsequent appearances of Yue’s present her as descending from the Moon even within the Spirit World and quickly ascending back to it. At the same time however this could just be argued to be a symbolic thing and she could just be appearing from the spirit realm. It also wouldn't make much sense for Yue to be at the moon's location as the original Moon Spirit lived on earth. Again, you can argue the feat but there are many holes within it that can't be ignored.


(Damn you Randy!!!)

OK so… wow. For context, in the newest Chronicles of the Avatar novel: “The Reckoning of Roku”, there is a statement that refers to a group of random, no-name benders. These benders have been stated to control the weather, create typhoons, raise and sink islands, and move the sun. The first 3 feats mentioned have already been performed by other characters (Old Iron, Kelsang, and Kyoshi, respectively). However, the one that stands out the most is the statement that says a group of firebenders have the power to control and move the sun. Pretty insane and out there, we know. There is a lot to be taken in with this statement, and in turn, a lot to be questioned and contradicted.

First, it's important to mention the context of this feat. In the novel, the avatar Roku visits this strange island. On this island, there is supposedly a spirit living in a sacred cave, later revealed to actually be two spirits in the equivalent spot of where this cave is in the Spirit World duking it out, and when the barriers between the physical and Spirit World are thinner during an equinox the energy from the two spirits fighting is absorbed by the cave and amps everything in its proximity as a result. For example, Roku generates blue flames and lightning for the first time after he arrives on the island and later he even generates a series first white flames. As you might be suspecting, this is the reason why the previously mentioned benders have such powerful statements, it's due to the cave’s natural amp.

Next, the way the series has established firebending already raises some questions. Unlike the other bending styles where you need to have a source in order to bend your specific element, Firebending is channeled and bent out through your body via chi although firebenders can control nearby flames as well. This is important as while yes, Firebenders do get their power from the sun (this is further stated and shown that they lose ability to bend during a solar eclipse), that’s exactly it. They draw power from the sun to fuel their own fire, not manipulating the sun’s own heat.

Something else about the feat is its vagueness. Obviously the feat is done by firebenders and they are moving the sun. No matter what it's probably an incredibly high feat. However, we have no idea how much the sun is moving or how firebending was able to cause the Sun’s movement. Due to vagueness the feat could be written off as a hype feat. Though the point that it's a hype feat is somewhat countered by the fact the other 3 feats attributed to the cave’s amp have been shown in the verse before.

A finale and smaller point is also how this could be an outlier. Outside of the very questionable moon stuff no feat in the verse really shows off this level of power. There happens to be one, one-off statement in Rise of Kyoshi where Kyoshi herself alludes to each star possessing a spirit, but that in and of itself creates more questions than answers. Does every celestial body have a spirit? If so, are firebenders overpowering the sun’s spirit? Are they merely spirits associated with the stars and not literally the spirit of the star ala the Moon Spirit? Like the main feat in question, it's very vague and hard to really get anything out of with its flowery language. This is a very person dependent point and some may not see it as an outlier but it is a point.

Overall this feat is very iffy to use. Between the way bending works, vagueness that could lead to the statement being for hype, and the fact it's an amp... You could argue Raava being the source of power for the Avatar and the Avatar state puts Korra above the amp given by a portion of the energy of two random spirits fighting, but with the vagueness of both amps and the feat in general it's very hard to justify. So in most of the blogs opinion, this feat is not viable.

Neon’s “Light Speed” (and Video's Satellite Movement)

So there is some debate regarding whether or not Delsin’s neon ability is light speed or not. Some claim it’s only called “Light Speed” as a move but never stated to be moving at that speed or how neon fundamentally cannot be light speed. And while those points seem reasonable, the fact is the game outright says you “run at Light Speed” and even Delsin claiming himself to move at the “speed of light”. So the game makes it very clear that this move allows him to move at the speed of light. There’s also Delsin’s video power that lets him travel into Satellite dishes as radio waves which also let him travel at the speed of light, though only in these Satellite Dishes. So light speed for Delsin should be fair game.  

The Limits of Delsin's Powers

So there’s the question of whether Delsin should get the abilities of other characters he’s absorbed from that he has not shown. Mainly Henry, Abigail, Eugene and Augustine as they have shown off more capabilities of their powers. The answer to that is quite simple, Delsin just hasn’t had as much experience with those powers as those four. This is even said by Augustine herself as she had several years to practice and hone her skills while Delsin only had her powers for just that fight and the rest he only had for about a week or even less. So it stands to reason why Delsin wouldn’t have some of their more advanced abilities at this moment. He theoretically could achieve them with enough practice but given where the game leaves him off in his journey, we can’t say for sure. 



Team Korra


The stats for this match up are very blatant. In base, Korra doesn’t exactly stand a chance in power, while Ghazan melting the Northern Air Temple can get 8.8 Megatons of TNT with a lot of feats to back that level of power up, Delsin has multiple feats that can match and surpass that, between scaling to the Ray Sphere Explosion (5.7 Megatons) or Delsin himself being able to turn people into energy (1.5 Gigatons) safely make sure Delsin takes the power advantage against base Korra. However, the tables are flipped when looking at the level of power Korra is packing when in the Avatar state, though while Korra has a moon level and even a star level argument she is more safely placed at 3.1 Teratons of TNT via scaling to Kyoshi making Kyoshi Island in the Avatar State, which is still far above the 1.5-1.7 Gigatons of TNT brought by Delsin turning people into energy and Fetch striking at relativistic speeds. Putting Korra at about 1823 times stronger than Delsin, even assuming Delsin was able to scale 1 to 1 with Cole’s own level of power, Korra would still be hundreds of times stronger than the Smoke Conduit.

However, speed is much kinder to Delsin. Delsin can react to Fetch using light speed and properly react to his own movements when using Neon, which is… Lightspeed as explained in the BWD. This does however only scale to reaction speed. For travel speed Delsin is light speed while using Lightspeed with Neon and while going through satellites in Video. However most of the time his travel speed is very low being about Mach 0.09 with Smoke and Concrete lacks any big speed feats. On Korra's side she is likely much slower. While there are the arguments for FTL they are iffy and while 0.06c to 0.11c could be fine, it is arguable that no one scales to Aang and Vaatu creating auroras. Without these speed feats Korra should scale to Vaatu casually spreading his dark energy across the earth which gets Mach 666.5 to Mach 1830.53, as Korra has reacted to his more powerful, concentrated blasts. Once again this is only for reactions and combat. For travel speed Korra should be relative to Appa (especially with her Glider Staff) who can travel at Mach 59.7 speeds.

To summarize the stat difference, though Delsin is significantly faster in reaction speed and even travel speed when he is using Neon or traveling through Satellite radio waves, Korra is overall faster in travel speed and far stronger than Delsin.

Arsenal & Abilities

Considering both have four whole elements and an arsenal to each ability, there’s a lot to talk about in terms of whose wide array of elemental abilities allows them to come out on top, so let’s start covering where the advantages lie.

For starters, both Korra and Delsin can mess with each other using one of their elements, for example the smoke Korra's fire gives off can easily allow Delsin to replenish his Smoke supplies. Meanwhile Delsin’s attempt at using Concrete will just result in Korra's Earthbending easily overpowering and manipulating his own element, and using something like Boulder Dash will just result in Delsin being ragdolled due to coating himself in Concrete which Korra can bend.

Both can hypothetically suffocate the other, as Airbenders have suffocated targets by depriving them of air before, and Delsin has used things such as Sulfur Bombs to cause his opponents to temporarily suffocate on smoke, though neither of these are super likely win conditions. As Korra is capable of creating oxygen bubbles to breath, and Delsin’s general mobility means it’s unlikely for him to be caught in an attempt for Korra to suffocate him long enough for any lasting impact.

But something Delsin does have is the numbers advantage, thanks to Video he is capable of creating multiple Video angels in order to attempt to overwhelm Korra thanks to Hellfire Swarm meaning he could attempt to barrage Korra and wear her down. The issue, however, is not only does Hellfire Swarm require Delsin to stay still in order to create that hoard of Video Angels which leaves him open, but the Video Angels also lack the sheer AP in order to be able to wear down Korra, as established in the stat section already it’d be difficult for them to scratch Korra once she enters the Avatar State, if at all, which limits Delsin’s usage of the digital angels he can create with Video to being minor distractions at best.

In general, Korra's immense AP advantage leaves Delsin’s options generally limited as the vast majority of his abilities and tools aren’t something that can bypass such a huge power disadvantage. So things like Cinder Missiles, Phosphor Beams, Bloodthirsty Blades, Concrete Barrage and so on wouldn’t do much more than just annoy the Avatar.

Something like Stasis Bubbles could temporarily trip Korra up, but the upgrade description of it ‘stopping enemies’ in time is contradicted even in game, it being more akin to a time slow rather than a time stop. Plus leaving Korra levitating for a few moments isn’t exactly a huge detriment to Korra because… she can fly already, at most temporarily slowing Korra in time gives Delsin a bit of breathing room, but it still doesn’t kill Korra.

Now Delsin does have a fair few dura-negation options, or at least ways to work around Korra's sheer power advantage. But there is an issue for most of them as we established earlier, arguing Delsin using things such as Fetch’s Mind Control, Eugene's Pocket Dimension BFR or Augustine mending Concrete to peoples bones are things he’s never shown to use which would put into question on if Delsin would even know how to use those abilities, or in-character think to try to use them in a fight. But let’s discuss each of these powers and the counters Korra has to them regardless in the hypothetical that Delsin figured out how to use them and uses them midfight.

Starting with the Mind Control that Fetch was shown to use in First Light, as seen in footage for when Fetch uses it, it requires to hit ‘weak points’ in order for the mind control to take effect, something that can be easily blocked off by the Avatar States barriers preventing Delsin from getting an opening to target said weak points. On a different note however, is that with how the mind control works it doesn’t exactly do much for Delsin to get a kill, it doesn’t allow him to influence what they do, just make them fight on the users side-so it wouldn’t exactly say, make Korra kill herself or anything to that degree, only give Delsin a moment to breath. And of course Korra has broken out of mind manipulation from Hundun and should be comparable to the likes of Tenzin and Jetsun overcoming the madness inducement of the Fog of Lost Souls. Between all of these points, even if Delsin knew how to use the Enslave ability of Neon, it wouldn’t change the tides of battle.

Assuming Delsin could, Eugene's BFR wouldn’t exactly change the tide of battle either. It requires Delsin to get to close range with an electronic device, though while this is possible thanks to him having a phone, the issue is more to the fact that Delsin has to get up close with Video. Which lacks the insane travel speed of Neon or the potent regeneration to power through Korra’s attacks that Smoke has, meaning that he’d be stuck trying to approach using invisibility (which could get easily sleuthed out by Korra's massive AOE). Even if he were to get close, the BFR is shown to take a few seconds, which thanks to Korra having Mach 60 Travel Speed, means she could be able to get away from Delsin before he manages to BFR her. Which, adding on to it being dubious on if Delsin would think to use BFR to begin with, leaves BFR a unreliable wincon to use.

Mending Concrete to Korra’s bones akin to what Augustine did would be an interesting argument, though admittedly this one also runs into by far the most ‘in character’ arguments due to it being the entire point of Delsin's journey to reverse what Augustine did to his Tribe. But even if he were to try to mend bones to Korra's body, she does have some possible counters, for example the immense pain due to stabbing through Korra's bones would be irrelevant, seeing as the concrete lacks the AP to break through Korra's insides. Alternatively, you can argue that Korra's ability to bend Mercury out of her body could allow her to pull the concrete out of her body, alongside Waterbending healing could give Korra an out to repair any damage Delsin can do by putting Concrete inside of her. There’s also the, admittedly vague-ish, concept of Chi Fields that prevent outside influence from affecting elements within the body without being powerful enough to do so. You could argue Korra’s Chi Field would just prevent Delsin’s Concrete from even working in the first place due to AP difference, thus rendering the ability useless. So while this one has the most iffy counters, it’s counterbalanced by the fact that by far this is the most out of character ability Delsin could use.

All of these abilities that Delsin could use to turn the tide have counters Korra can use to keep Delsin at bay and prevent her from being taken out, even ignoring the fact Delsin has never been shown to use these abilities and they are more akin to hypotheticals that Delsin could use if he thinks of them, which makes all three of the Mind Control, BFR and Concrete Mending extremely dubious as wincons.

But that leaves one ability that Delsin could use to bypass the power gap and put Korra down for certain, Obliteration, aka transmuting Korra into Neon Energy (or, any sort of energy) in order to bypass her durability and end the fight in one move. A really potent win condition in theory, however it runs into a few problems once you look deeper into it.

First off, Korra's barriers are a really potent defense, seeing as Obliteration can be blocked by concrete barriers within InFamous Second Son itself (IE: the D.U.P Bishop), and Korra's elemental barriers would be able to hold off Delsin from being able to hit her, which blocks off Delsins ability to actually well, Obliterate Korra in the first place.

Secondly, there is an argument for Obliteration being unable to work through a sheer AP gap, as enemies such as the fellow Prime Conduits (Hank, Fetch, Eugene and Augustine), Concrete Kings, Rooks and Super Rooks aren’t able to be obliterated outright, which is consistently the high ranking stronger enemies within InFamous Second Son, while the weaker enemies are the ones easily able to be obliterated. Between that and the name of Obliteration, it is possible to argue outright that Delsin needs to have the raw power to, well, obliterate his opponent, which means Korra being hundreds of times stronger, wouldn’t be able to be obliterated by Delsin.

The final argument for Korra being able to counteract Obliteration is the most damning for Delsin's ability to put down Korra, being Korra flat out resisting transmutation, which is what Obliteration is. Mid-way through Book 2, Korra encounters a spirit that proves powerful enough to break out of her Spiritbending even while in the Avatar State, implying that Spirits can resist the process of transmutation as Spiritbending is stated to involve the principles behind mass and energy equivalence. While one could argue Korra simply hadn’t mastered Spiritbending at that point, just a few episodes later, without the Avatar State and recovering from a whole period of amnesia, Korra managed to Spiritbend a cluster of smaller Spirits with no issue at all, again implying that resistance was due to the sheer difference in power between Spirits and not a failure of technique on Korra’s part. It’s also treated as a finishing move for Korra against anyone actually powerful to go toe to toe with her in the Avatar State or in her spirit form like with Vaatu and Hundun, as in both cases she has to beat both of them down before being able to Spirit/Energybend them. Hundun is even a more explicit case as he was a sorcerer banished into the Spirit World and thus had an actual, tangible body that Korra converted into pure energy in, functionally at least, a not so dissimilar way from Obliteration.

Thus as Raava is Vaatu’s equal and is presently elevated to her absolute peak, she should scale to and likely above a baseline resistance to transmutation, which Obliteration hasn’t demonstrated being above given the number of enemies in Second Son that can resist it. Even with leeway that Obliteration could work if an enemy is worn down enough, that isn’t happening to Korra given the AP and Dura gap between the two.

And keep in mind Korra only needs one of these arguments to be valid in order to make a case against Obliteration. All three being potentially valid is just overkill. So with all three arguments in mind, Team Korra believes that Obliteration’s ability to transmute who it hits wouldn’t reliably work on Korra.

So, with all of these counters in mind for how Korra is capable of halting almost anything Delsin can do to try to put her down, what counters does Korra have in return to try to catch Delsin despite his speed advantage, potent regeneration in Smoke, and elemental intangibility?

Korra thankfully does have a few options in order to try to restrain Delsin off the bat, metalbending in particular would be quite effective on Delsin due to his metal chain he infuses with his powers to smack people around that he keeps wrapped around his arm, meaning Korra could force Delsin into a closer encounter or temporarily hold him in place to get a finishing blow, if not just outright crush Delsin’s arm.

Korra's ability to control the environment in general could lend her the ability to trap Delsin, with her earthbending or icebending being capable of trapping Delsin by well, freezing him in place or raising the earth to try to restrain Delsin, the latter of which she has used to restrain hands, something that's worked quite well against Delsin in the past to the point of it restricting his powers due to his arms being restrained, which would obviously leave him open to being hit with a finishing blow.

Though being able to catch Delsin in an attack is its own story, as thanks to Neon's travel speed, Delsin can travel around at the speed of light in travel speed, far faster than Korra's AOE. Though his mobility is a fair bit more limited if he is not using Neon, and while Delsin can outrun Korra's AOE (which scaling to other Avatars AOE, can erupt volcanoes, shift the Earth across an entire island or outright move entire islands, split mountains and create massive tidal waves), what is important is that this will limit Delsin’s supplies to refuel his Neon or switch back to it once he switches off. As even if we put this in a fair environment to Delsin and Korra (such as say, a coastal city so Korra has water and Delsin has all his elements), Korra's AOE would be able to destroy Delsin’s sources of Neon, meaning that as the fight goes on and he switches between elements, Delsin would likely run out of methods to switch back to Neon even if he were to try to use Neon’s travel speed to outlast Korra (which while possible, is heavily out of character for him), and Korra's AOE being as vast as it is and the sheer AP gap, means that while Delsin can outrun it in Neon, a single mistake can lead to Delsin being splattered if he is so much as grazed by Korra's raw AOE. This also applies to Video’s ability to make Delsin turn invisible, as while it would be a useful strategy to try to get up close to Korra, it lacks any ways to get around Korra's gigantic AOE.

Of course, that isn’t the only angle Delsin could use to push through Korra's sheer power, as thanks to Smoke, we can see Delsin be able to pull himself back together from smoke particles even after he explodes in a Karma Bomb, which is super impressive regeneration, so how does Korra beat it? There’s two real methods you can go with, the first being Airbending, Delsin has to pull himself back together from smoke particles, which leaves himself open even for a temporary moment, which Korra can exploit and use her extremely potent airbending to just disperse all of Delsin's smoke particles, preventing them from coming back together. Would it kill Delsin? Maybe, maybe not, but it would near certainly leave him nigh-permanently incapacitated, unable to reform his body and continue the fight. The other much more straightforward method is Spiritbending, with her being capable of ripping Delsin’s soul out of his body or just destroying his soul outright, Korra could just bypass any sort of smoke particle level regeneration Delsin has by targeting out his soul directly. With all this in mind, Korra has multiple methods to bypass even Delsin’s extremely impressive regeneration, be it by preventing his regeneration from working or bypassing it outright via messing with Delsin’s soul.

The final note Team Korra has is how easily accessed both combatant’s abilities are. While in a fair environment for both means Delsin would have a plethora of sources for Smoke, Neon, Video and Concrete and Korra would obviously have open sources of Water and Earth (and well, obviously Air being everywhere and Korra generating the Fire), only one of them can use all four abilities at the same time. Korra's ability to use all four elements at once allows her for a lot more control of the battlefield, while Delsin has a lot of versatility in each element, as the fight goes on he’s going to be put in more difficult situations as he runs out of elements, or worse, Korra destroys his sources of Neon and Video which would heavily limit Delsins options to win.

Or in other words, Delsin has a lot of versatility and options he can use to approach the fight, but he’s limited by the fact he has to constantly switch between elements and runs on limited fuel that needs to be replenished for each element, while Korra has access to all her powers at the same time, and doesn’t run on limited fuel for any of them.

Tertiary Factors

The tertiary factors mostly go to Korra. She has more experience and skill having been using her powers for more than a few days and having trained under multiple bending masters. Meanwhile Delsin has only had access to his powers for a few days and mostly learned through blast cores and blast shards over the original conduits who used the powers. However, Delsin is very used to fighting people with an experience edge over him and using his on the fly style to outmaneuver his opponents in battle. So even with Korra’s edge in these categories Delsin can still keep up. Both are also very used to using the environment in their fighting styles as bending and conduit powers require that level of knowledge to be used effectively. This leads to neither really taking an advantage when it comes to use and knowledge of their surroundings.


“No matter what happens, no matter how crazy things get, I’ll always try to restore balance.”


  • Far stronger in Avatar State

  • Greater combat skill

  • Better control of the battlefield via bending

  • Would have an easier time swapping between types of bending on the fly

  • Resists all of Delsin’s major hax

  • Bisexual

  • Korra Fortnite


  • Cannot take away Conduit powers


  • Far weaker in base

  • Much slower in reactions

    • Much slower in travel speeds while Delsin is using Light Speed

  • Can lose control of herself when in the Avatar State

  • Book 2

  • Nickelodeon Executives

  • Got fed to a Marvel herald

Overall, there’s a lot of back and forth to be had on what you argue for both sides, but more often than not it’s the Legendary Avatar that ends up taking the victory over the Next-Gen Conduit.

While Korra is weaker in base, she's several hundred times stronger once she goes into the Avatar State to the point where Delsin will be unable to harm her, and Korra will be able to take him down in a single clean hit, and while Korra is slower regardless, if you think Korra would be able to scale to the speed of the Aurora then the gap is nowhere near as big as it could be, and unless Delsin is using Neon, Korra has far better travel speed by almost 60 times over.

Korra’s defensive options also manage to triumph over Delsins offensive options as well, her barriers allowing for extremely good ways to hold off Delsin’s own elemental assaults and block off some of his more dangerous abilities he could theoretically pull out. While Delsin doesn’t exactly have surefire answers to things like Korra destroying Delsins sources of Neon or metalbending his Chain to hold him in place. Even something as dangerous as Obliteration has multiple avenues you can argue for Korra being able to either block it off or resist it outright, While Delsin doesn’t have much of a defense against Korra dispersing his smoke particles to prevent him from putting himself back together or outright destroying his soul.

And while both are talented in their own right and Delsin is a really quick learner, it’s hard to say he’d be able to beat Korra having far more experience and actual training in both using her powers and martial arts, which unfortunately Delsin’s mere weeks of picking things up on the fly can’t really compare with.

Delsin was a formidable opponent, and if a factor or two had swung the other way he might have ended up the victor. But between her overwhelming strength, massive range, perfect defenses and ways to put Delsin down, and greater experience and training, the winner is Avatar Korra (and you gotta deal with it!).

Team Delsin 


For stats, both Korra and Delsin take stats in their own way. Delsin is stronger in base as him and Fetch turning people to energy get 1.5 Gigatons of TNT and Fetch hitting at relativistic speed gets 1.7 Gigatons of TNT. Meanwhile in base Korra only gets around 8.8 Megatons by scaling to Ghazan, sinking the Air Temple. However, once Korra goes into the Avatar State her AP shoots up into 3.1 Teratons of TNT, far beyond what Delsin can handle.

When it comes to speed, Delsin easily takes this category. This is because he can react to himself and others moving at light speed. He is also able to travel at light speed using Lightspeed and going through satellites with video. Meanwhile Korra’s best speed feat is scaling to Vaatu, who spread dark energy across the world at speeds between Mach 666.5 to Mach 1830.53. 

But what about the auroras made by Aang and Vaatu? Yeahhh, about that - we don’t really have evidence these scale to her attack speed. Yes, we’ve seen Aang make these, however we haven’t actually seen any indication other spirit beams or any other attacks are actually relative in attack speed to the auroras - just because an attack looks like it’s from the same substances doesn’t actually mean it’s the same speed, and it’s fairly obvious Korra’s normal elements shouldn’t scale to things that are consistently faster then them in attack speed. It’s a bit ridiculous to suggest otherwise, and as a result, Delsin should be safely blitzing Korra in both attack/reaction speed, and travel speed while in Neon. 

Arsenal & Abilities

So, here comes the important part - their arsenal and abilities. While Korra has a lot of powerful abilities to pull from, Delsin's do him a lot more favors in this fight. To not retread all the ground done in the Korra verdict we will just stick to focusing on Delsin and his counters to Korra. Both can pull from four abilities and have about an equal amount of variety in each. However Delsin’s are much more surprising and are way more impactful than just, a new type of blast Korra can throw at Delsin which most of Korra’s abilities act as. Each of Delsin's abilities have their own way of helping against Korra. 

Before we get into the elements, Delsin immediately has an edge in healing. Korra’s healing is only good for small, concreted healing that requires it to be held on a wound for a good length of time. Compared to Delsin who's regeneration gets him back to health in a very short amount of time and can be done passively. This regeneration is heavily increased in Smoke.

Now for the elements, Smoke completely nullifies firebending by absorbing its embers and has incredibly hard regen to take out as Delsin can come back from largely dispersed smoke. Smoke can also slow Korra down with Sulfur Bomb, forcing her to use airbending to deal with smoke giving more time to Delsin. Video allows for Delsin to gain massive speed boosts through satellites and invisibility to out maneuver Korra. The Wingmen also give Delsin a numbers advantage which can take away Korra’s focus from Delsin. Video's final big point is that its flight along with Delsin's hovering can help it move around the more grounded element of Earthbending. Concrete… yeah unless you buy Delsin being able to use the abilities of the other conduits such as putting Concrete into Korra it's kinda useless. However, Neon is the furthest thing from useless. Neon allows Delsin to easily outrun Korra and her AoE using Lightspeed and keep her trapped with Stasis Bubbles. These bubbles can keep Korra in place, stalling the Avatar State and setting up Delsin for his main move, Obliteration. With Neon, Delsin can use Laser Insight to increase his reaction speed and fire a beam at Korra to Obliterate her. 

Since Korra takes the stat advantage Delsin can't do much damage with most basic attacks. Video and Concrete have some potential wincons if you assume Delsin can use the powers to the full extent Eugene and Augustine have in the form of BFR and Concrete being summoned in Korra’s body. However, these are a lot less stable of a wincon compared to the high range and easy to hit Neon obliteration. Obliteration would turn Korra into Neon energy, killing her before she could react and winning Delsin the fight.

But doesn't Korra resist transmutation? While this is an argued point Team Delsin disagrees with Korra’s resistance to transmutation. This is because the transmutation resistance is built off clips from the creators of ATLA. In a conversation between some of TLoK’s writers they refer to Spiritbending as converting spirit energy to a different form of energy. However, in this same interview the writers are very unsure of this answer. To quote Bryan Konetizko, one of writers on the Legend of Korra, “It's sort of uh, it's an enigma, do they retain their essence? Do they retain their identity? Do they reform as a different spirit? Are they reabsorbed into the cosmos? What-what Mike? Tell me!” Mike Dante DiMartino, who said the point on energy conversion earlier responds “Maybe. I don't know man”. Due to this high level of uncertainty it's quite hard to take the writer's opinion of Spiritbending 100% seriously. Of course author statements matter and should be used but not even they are certain on how Spiritbending works which makes their statements very shaky to use. 

Then there's the point about Raava being able to counter transmutation. This is due to the fact Raava didn't change the Avatar's form like Vaatu did to Unalaq when they fused at the end of Book 2. However, Raava had no reason to change the Avatar's form when they fused while Vaatu, being the personification of evil, would want to corrupt Unalaq even further. It just makes very little plot sense for Raava to change the form of the Avatar which would lead to a transmutation resistance. It would also be weird for Vaatu to not have a transmutation resistance while Raava does, seeing as they are supposed to be equals.

There is also the point that Korra resists Obliteration through how it is portrayed in Second Son. However, Obliteration being unable to affect bosses and high level enemies is likely a game mechanic. This is due to the fact they are clearly supposed to be the strongest form of enemies in the game. The game would become incredibly unbalanced if Delsin could just Obliterate any bosses and hard enemies that come his way. It also makes sense Delsin would not obliterate all of the bosses because he needs them alive to take their powers and take out Augustine. Augustine is also needed to be kept alive to humiliate her and the D.U.P at the end of the good route. So overall, this method for Korra resisting obliteration is likely just because of Second Son’s mechanics and not some power based resistance.

The last way Korra could potentially get around Obliteration is her barriers. Korra could surround herself in air which could potentially block the Neon beam similar to how D.U.P Bishops block it with Concrete. While she could make a barrier, she likely wouldn't be fast enough. With Delsin's Laser Insight and multiple ways of stalling Korra like Sulfur Bomb and Stasis Bubble she likely wouldn't be able to block forever if at all. But doesn't she passively have a barrier in the Avatar State? Not often if at all, you’re likely thinking of Aang's Avatar State. Korra could potentially recreate this effect, she hasn't really done it. Meaning in general, her barriers would likely be too slow to save her.

To sum this section up both fighters are very versatile. While Korra has a lot of stuff she can pull with her elements, Delsin's tools are much more efficient at dealing with Korra's bending and setting himself up for a win with Obliteration transmutation, something Korra doesn't have an answer for.

Tertiary Factors

As stated in Team Korra's verdict, Korra is more experienced and skilled. Her time training in bending trained her in martial arts and how to use her powers much more than what Delsin learned from the other Conduits. However, it was also stated how this was not as big of a deal as one would think. This is because Delsin is not only better as an on the fly thinker, but because he's used to being less skilled than his opponents. This would allow him to still keep up with Korra despite her advantages. He also is more likely to surprise Korra with his abilities as they are very different than anything Korra has seen in her time. Finally, both Delsin and Korra are used to using the environment to fuel them and take advantage of the setting they are in so neither are better in this regard.


“Before all this, no one would have imagined that humans and conduits could co-exist, and now I was the guy kicking off the Second Age… I got what I came for. And now… now I had a promise to keep.”


  • Far stronger against base Korra

  • Massively faster in reactions speeds 

    • Far Faster in travel speed while using Neon

  • Greater versatility with powers Korra would never see coming

  • Smoke shuts down Firebending 

  • Obliteration is an instant win

  • Stasis Bubbles allow him to shut down Korra

  • Numbers advantage with his Wingmen
  • Has better regeneration
  • Play Second Son

  • Is in Ghost of Tsushima (also go play it)


  • Cannot absorb bending


  • Much weaker physically compared to Avatar State

  • More difficulty switching between power types

  • Concrete is borderline useless against Earthbending

  • Barriers could potentially block obliteration

  • His series is dead

  • Doesn’t know how to swim

To simplify everything down, Delsin is stronger in base and faster no matter what. The only thing he loses when it comes to stats is that the Avatar State is much stronger. 

However, his abilities more than make up for the AP gap. Delsin can stall Korra in the Avatar State with high speeds, many options to slow her down, Wingmen to distract her and invisibility. Delsin can also just obliterate Korra, turning her into energy and winning the fight. Though Korra has easier access to her abilities, Delsin's speed means it's not as hard for him to drain elements around the area to switch before Korra can land a blow.

His regeneration is also much stronger, being able to heal away damage in very quick time frames, along with the insane regeneration of Smoke. He also has the defensive options of Smoke absorbing fire and hovering/Video flight being able to outmaneuver earthbending. Meaning along with his speed advantage, Delsin can easily outlast Korra if it comes down to it. 

While Delsin is less experienced and skilled, his adaptability and quick thinking can help him keep up against Korra’s skill and it makes him far less predictable. This advantage is extended further when you realize Korra is not used to seeing stuff like Video and Neon, so she would have no idea how it works or what Delsin is doing with these abilities. This gives Delsin a large advantage and can put Korra on the back foot due to her lack of knowledge.

Overall, Korra has incredible power and skill backing her. But against Delsin's blinding speed, insane abilities and quick thinking, the Avatar was no match for the new age Conduit. Maybe in the next life Korra can get him, but for now the winner is Delsin Rowe


Team Korra [7] (Tru, Ninjamonkey3904, Hippo, Cabbage, TheCardinalKing, Hyperstarman, RedHeadedElf)

Team Delsin [4] (door-kun, gator loki, Cryotechnics, Fenic.V)

Team Rey [1] (Asura) (Bro wasn’t even on the blog)

Thank You/Next Time

As usual, thank you for reading. Our team had a lot of work to make this blog in depth but I'm incredibly proud of the work they have done. Special thanks to Ninja, Hyper, door, Cardinal and Cryotechnics for putting in as much work as they did. I would also like to thank Ninja again and Cabbage for the assets they made for the blog such as scaling images, background images and BWD images. Now for the next time all I must ask is… are they stupid?

Batman VS Spider-Man

(Rocksteady's Arkham Batman VS Insomniac’s Spider-Man)

If you would like to join this blog you can DM tru2678 on Discord or find me in your local VS Discord server. See you for Man VS Hyphen Man!


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